Chapter 1

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The world was a masquerade. A dance where people traded partners, never quite knowing who they're bound with. Where people smiled behind a single, delicate mask.

The steps came easily to everyone. It was engraved into their minds at a young age. To be able to flow like a swan in the middle of a battlefield was an imperative skill needed to survive in this world. Women and men swayed from side to side without missing a single beat, but sometimes, people get distracted. They stumble or trip, ruining the rhythm.

They go to an abyss known as hell. At least, that's what people say. The ones who couldn't keep up were trounced and forced off the white walls of the ballroom. Isolated from the world of perfection.

Everyone needed to be flawless. Mistakes were not condoned. They were for fools who couldn't keep up, who couldn't move with grace, who couldn't play behind a mask.

Some people aren't born for this. They're incapable of learning. They're a virus that needs to be contained, and the people always found out. The mask always fell apart. It made such a loud crash that it was deafening in the large ballroom. They would falter and suddenly all eyes were on them. Some of the phonies made it out alive, continued to flock, and move like they were part of the crowd. They reigned against all odds.

They are the true deceivers.



A young woman paced in her mansion. Her straight black hair covered her pale face.
"She hasn't always been like this. " The woman, Abigail, said as she stopped before the big screen before her. "She was normal once."

Abigail was in her living room, a massive room just like everything else in her life, twiddling with her fingers. Blank walls with famous paintings from different time periods hung side by side. She knew who all of the artists were by heart. There was a wide window on the side of the room that was programmed to have different backgrounds. Abigail decided to use the aurora borealis for tonight.

A large white crystal chandelier was above the room. Her father - she was young at that time- placed it up there once his business exploded. It was a gift for her mother. 

Sofas filled with cushions that had intricate lines of detail surrounded a glass table in the middle of the room. Abigail stood behind the table.

It was midnight. A time where everyone in the country should be asleep, but not her. 

Abigail exhaled, "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Yes," came the deep, scratchy voice from the screen. "This will help restore her vision." 

Abigail bit her lip, rethinking her decision. What if this failed?

"...This will all go well?" she asked.

The figure, almost shadow-like, leaned forward, "Trust me, Abigail."

Abigail took a glance at her daughter. The reason she was doing this in the first place was because of her.

Brown, wavy hair spread across the pillow from her little head. Her daughter looked like any normal girl. She was supposed to look like any normal girl, be like any normal girl, but her eyes. Those ugly eyes...

So, with a deep breath, Abigail said, "Alright, what needs to be done?"


Mei's spirit was high for today. Her step had a little jump to it as she walked alongside Ellie. She knew her for about five years now, and they were celebrating her birthday. It was one of the most anticipated parties.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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