He's gone, Dean.

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The sun shines through the Impala's windows, lighting Castiel's face in in's warm orange glow. Dean's eyes find themselves scanning his face, admiring the way his eyes glow in the sun. They remind Dean of the sky after a storm, slighter darker than a clear sky. Dean loves Castiel's eyes, the way they shine, the way they get brighter when Castiel looks at something he likes.

Castiel notices Dean eyes on him instead of on the road and looks at Dean, his eyes shining brighter than a solar nebula.

"Dean?" He questions, "I think you should be focusing on the road."

Dean laughs quietly before turning his attention back to the road, grabbing Castiel's hand in his own and bringing it to his lips, planting a gentle kiss.

"I could drive this baby with my eyes closed Cas." He jokes, rubbing his thumb on Castiel's hand.

Castiel chuckles, "I bet you could Dean.

They drive in silence, enjoying each other's presence, knowing they would never be separated again. The Impala pulls along the road smoothly, the engine hum and the sounds of the earth were the only noises they heard.

The Impala pulls into the gravel in front of the bunker, dust billowing from the tires. Castiel attempts to exit the car but is pulled back by Dean. Dean pulls him into a kiss, not wanting to let go of him just yet. He still remembers the amount of times he has lost Cas. The amount of times he had lost his angel.

Castiel smiles into the kiss, his free hand reaching up to Dean's face rubbing his cheek and trying to remember every feature.

"Dean..." Castiel tries to protest before being pulled into another kiss, "Dean, we should really go inside."

Dean sighs, knowing Castiel was right, "Okay..."

They step out of the Impala, Dean not wasting a moment to return to Castiel's side and holding his hand again. Hand in hand they enter the bunker and descend the stairs, walking towards Dean's room. Dean had added a second dresser and more pillows to his room and bed, as Castiel had moved in with him.

Castiel sits on the end of the bed, his hands moving to rest on Dean's hips, Dean's hands moving to rest on Castiel's face.

"I could sit here forever, counting every freckle on your face. Memorizing every feature, every scar." Castiel says, his hands rubbing circles on Dean's hips.

"You can't sweet talk me like that Cas, you'll drive me crazy." Dean says, his face slightly turning red.

"Then maybe you'll have to do something to get me to shut up." Castiel smirks

"Maybe I will." Dean says, his voice lowering.

He moves to sit on Castiel's lap, running his hands through his hair before kissing Castiel gently. Castiel's hand movies to the back of Dean's head, the other resting on the small of his back. The kiss deepens, clothes rubbing clothes, tongues fighting tongues.

Dean's flannel finds its way to the floor, Castiel's trench coat following soon after. Dean loosens Castiel's tie before unbuttoning his shirt slowly.

Kissing harder and breathing heavier, Dean unbuttons Castiel's pants before removing his own. Castiel runs his hands along Dean's hips, pulling his boxers down in one swift but gentle motion. Castiel was always gentle with Dean, knowing the amount of things he had gone through, he deserved the best in Castiel's mind.

Dean seats himself on Castiel's lap again, reaching to remove Castiel from his boxers and grabbing lube from the dresser beside the bed. He opens the bottle and pours some onto his hand, stroking Castiel's cock, making sure to coat it completely. Dean moves to prepare himself, using more lube to make it more comfortable and less painful.

When he deems himself ready and can't wait any longer, Dean pulls Castiel into a kiss. Gentle and passionate, full of love. Love that had not yet fully been admitted. Dean wished to be able to tell Castiel how much he truly loved him. Dean had never said the words "I love you" to anyone, everyone he thought he had loved was either gone or never truly loved him, besides Sam and Castiel. Of course, his brother knew he loved him but Cas, Cas deserved to be told how much Dean loved him, but Dean could never find the right words. He could never find the right time.

Dean is pulled out of his own thoughts by Castiel running a hand down his spine. Dean pulls himself up, readying himself. He sinks slowly onto Castiel's cock. Castiel buries his head into Dean;s neck and lets out a shaky groan.

"Damn~" Dean groans as he bottoms out, locking eyes with Castiel and raising himself up again, setting a slow and peaceful pace for himself.

Skin on skin, lips on lips. They felt alive and carefree with each other in this moment. Dean riding Castiel slowly, Castiel guiding Dean's hips.

"Keep going Dean, I'm close," Castiel whispers.

"I am too, I'm so close, angel." Dean moans

Castiel feels himself reach his breaking point, grasping Dean's hips and holding him in place as he cums. His wings appear on the wall behind them, spreading wide and glowing. Dean loves when this happens, he is utterly enchanted by the beauty of Castiel's wings. He hated when he would see broken spots in them, he hated when Castiel had lost his grace and couldn't feel how he used to feel. Dean was happy in this moment though, Castiel's wings were fully intact, there was nothing that could ever harm them again, they had won and came away from everything. Dean feels himself cum at the sight of Castiel's wings, arching his back at the pleasure he felt.

Castiel kisses Dean, slowly and gracefully. They both lay together, savoring the moments they had.

"I love you Dean." Castiel says, rubbing Dean's cheek.

Dean pauses, "I love you more than anything Cas."

Finally, the words he had thought for years were able to pass through his mouth. He was thankful he could finally say the words he felt to the love of his life.

Dean falls asleep in Castiel's arms. Feeling his hands running through his hair, he could sleep peacefully and happily.

Dean wakes up in the cold bunker, sitting alone, his head on the kitchen table, spinning from a hangover, or maybe he was still just drunk. Three empty bottles of random alcohol lay on the table around him; his head was spinning so much he couldn't even read the labels. He grabs a bottle from the table and throws it at the wall, shattering it all over the floor.

Sam hears the glass shattering and runs into the room; he calms when he sees its just Dean.

"Dean?" He asks, "Was it another nightmare?"

"No." Dean says roughly, "But it might as well have been."

Sam realizes what he meant. It wasn't the first time he had to deal with Dean dreaming about Cas.

Sam sits at the table opposite of Dean, seeing how tired he was. Sam had never seen Dean this bad before. Now that Cas was really gone and there was no way to bring him back, he was different. Dean hadn't been sleeping unless he drank until he passed out, he had barely left his room. He spent most of the day locked in there drinking and holding the coat Castiel had worn every day.

"I just," Dean hesitates, "I just miss him Sam."

Dean looks so defeated, any happiness he had before was gone.

"I know Dean." Sam responds, his voice soft.

"Sam..." Dean says slowly, as if trying to find the words, "I loved him Sam."

Sam pauses, Dean looked so destroyed.

"He's gone, Dean."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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