25. park takeover gone wrong

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VIENNA WAS GETTING ready in Nelson's room to go to the Park take over at San Antonio. She wore denim shorts with a pink tube top,she also wore one of Nelson's sweaters. Vienna was currently in front of a mirror, applying her mascara on.

She was really nervous because they didn't know how many people were going to be there but they bet it was going to be a lot. Vienna doubts that it would be more than PA though. Nelson walked into his room, screaming and she turned around to look at him in concern.

"What the hell." She mumbled and Ray walked into the room as well. Vienna covered her face and looked away from the camera. Nelson goes over to her, wrapping his arm around her and rocked her back and forth.

"My beautiful girl won't show her face." He pouted, letting out a laugh when Ray smiled. Vienna's face flushed, sighing and going back to do her make up. "Okay, now she wants to ignore and be like that. Okay, I see how it is."

"I need to get ready bro." She told him, putting down her mascara wand. Nelson points his finger, shaking it as a no. Once she was done, she stood up to meet the others outside. Vienna had time to get ready since Cam woke up late.

She walked downstairs, Nelson waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase. When she neared him, he wrapped his arm around her. They walked to the van and put their bags in the trunk.

"Ready to go?" Cam asked them, sitting in the car. They both nodded their heads, Vienna laying her head down on his shoulder. During the ride, she fell asleep on his shoulder after being so tired the entire morning.

Vienna woke up to the sound of Nelson yelling, she lifts her head up from Nelson's bag. He must'be put it there for a pillow. "Oh, look who is awake right now." Cam points at her and she glared at him.

"I'm not even playing." She told him, shaking her head. Vienna turned her head to look outside, her eyes widening at all the cars that were lined up outside the park. She covered her mouth, looking over to Nelson. "Look at all the people."

"I know. Issa movie." He rubbed his hands in front of his face.

"Stop saying that." She side eyes him, taking off his sweater since it was way too hot. "Anyways guys, I'm here for emotional support just in case Nelson rages."

Vienna laughed, staring up at him. He pecks her lips and then pulled back, sitting down beside her. "Ya'll already know that I'm going to drop so many points since Vienna is here watching. Ya'll boys better not fucking hit on her, or else."

Nelson looks at her, Vienna turning her head to look back at him. They were very close and Nelson's eyes flicker down to her lips. Her eyes do the same, a smile growing on her face as she laughs nervously.

He pecked her lips again, making her face go red. She looked away from him to look out the window. A lot of people were already following them.

"Oh my go—"

They started screaming Nelson's name and the bus driver was trying to pull into the parking lot. Vienna heard sirens coming their way and she bit her nails, anxiety kicking in.

The cops tries moving the people out so there was space for Cam, Lavar, Noah, Nelson and Vienna to walk out.

She looked at everyone who was around the park, feeling her heartbeat quicken every second that passed by. Vienna turned her head to look at Nelson with a concerned face.

"I don't know if I can go out there. There's so many people and it's so hot." She told him and Nelson brought her into a hug.

"You can do it. I'll be right by your side, I swear." He promised her, grabbing her hand and they walked slowly out of the bus.

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