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TW: Language, Alcohol Consumption, Mildly suggestive, Drunk Fluff (Consent is sexy guys)
Notes: For all the girlies (gender neutral) who didn't get their first kisses until college, aka after they had reasoned and thought that they'd never need one (also with a bit of my own fluffy twist to it hehe)
Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!


You know that horrific feeling you have when your crush walks into the same room as you? When your heart beats faster, your face gets warmer, and your words start stumbling over each other? That's right now.

"So, uh... is this the Physics Three study group?" The new guy asks. You look amongst your friends and, as if your embarrassment couldn't have gotten worse, Giselle suddenly nudging you couldn't have made it more obvious.

"Yeah, that's us," Mark grins. "Take a seat wherever you'd like, to sum it up, I'm Mark, that's Giselle, and that's (Y/N)," he points to each person.

"Cool, I'm Yangyang," he closes the door behind him.

"So we're, like, five questions in, but (Y/N) can get you caught up." You never agreed to that. Mark's eyes slide to you, a knowing look behind them.

You've been set up, that's the only other way you could explain this, and when Yangyang slid into the chair next to you that pretty much confirmed it.

"Sorry, just to toss it out there, I'm shit at math," he opens his laptop in front of you and you slide yours toward his.

"It's fine," you swallowed the nervous sound down. But, as he opened the class website, your heart sank. Surely, you had to have been imagining that 24% overall grade. You shot a shaky glance toward your own laptop, a confident 97% showcased on it. Quickly, you switched tabs to the homework. "So... number 1," you look at the work you had on your paper.

"Oh, I know this one, it's a torsion question right?" He asks. You do a double take toward your paper.

"Ah... no... it's a gravity question."


"Shit," you muttered at the same time. You turned your phone over just a little to see the message come in from Giselle.

'At least he's hot.'

That was your first introduction to Liu Yangyang. It had to have been a miracle that he made it this far with how little he understood about the class, but hell you'd be damned if you left him to suffer on his own in this class. Plus, studying with him was just as beneficial for you too.

Well, that's what you told yourself. But really you knew the truth. This was the perfect chance for 'that guy with the orange backpack from physics' to become 'Liu Yangyang' proper. Your hopeless crush that motivated you to go to this god-forsaken 8 a.m. MWF class was now sitting right next to you completely fucking up the gravity equation and wow...

At least he's hot.

And that's what you kept telling yourself even after Mark and Giselle left to head home, you and Yangyang stayed behind, still working on a few problems to be sure that both of you got it down. To be honest, he was a fast learner, it was the fault of your professor, who was a shit teacher enough as is.

"You know what, (Y/N)? I really appreciate this," he says. "I owe you a big one, yeah?" The both of you had been kicked out of the library now that it was closing, and the night air on campus was just so inviting. And it's coldness did wonders for the way your face heated up, you praised the dark for hiding your expression.

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