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~Hey cupcakes

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~Hey cupcakes... I'm back with another update~

Today's view

🍂 if you get tried,
Learn to rest,
not to quit🍂

°°Let's start°°


In Rathod Mansion, everyone was engrossed in their work, unaware of what—or rather, who—was coming.

Early this morning, around 2 AM, Ishani landed at Maharana Pratap Airport in Udaipur. She knew her parents were at the Rathore house, but instead of going there, she decided to head to her own home, planning to surprise everyone tomorrow. So, Ishani entered her house to spend some alone time in her big mansion.

The mansion's situation wasn't as bad as she thought. Her parents didn't live there since they managed their business in America, visiting India only two or three times a year. When they did visit, they mostly stayed with the Rathore's. 

Her brothers lived in their own mansion. This one was maintained by some workers and their head maid, but currently, no one was there. Entering inside, she went to her room, having already eaten on the airplane, so there was no worry about food.

Everything was the same as she had left it. The lavender color theme. Her study table on the left side of the room where sunlight streams in during the morning, giving it a breathtaking view—that's her favorite spot in the room, actually her second favorite. Beside her table, there's her big bookshelf, all cleared and arranged just as before

It looks like they cleaned and kept it like before, so sweet of them.

In front of the table, there's a big circular window with her favorite bear-print curtains. On the right side, her dressing table and beside that, a full-length mirror—her third favorite thing. In front of that is her bathroom. And now, the most important part and her first favorite thing: her bed in the middle of the big room with bear-print pillows and blanket, and a big teddy on it with a dog laying comfortably in its lap... wait, what? A dog in the teddy's lap?

[ Goss this coco, but when he come out of his bag, didn't even noticed.

A/n: - how will you notice when you are lost seeing you room.

Ishu: - yeah author!! now go let me sleep I'm hell tried... Su. Su. Su.

A/n: - okay... but before that give me a kiss 😙.

Ishu: - okay

??: - what's happening here (a bold dark husky voice came from background)

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