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(Short silly little Prologue)


Sengoku looked at the others in the meeting room. The room was full of tension as they looked at the five remaining warlords in the room.

Mihawk had his normal bored demeanor about him but his anxious leg bouncing told another story.
Boa Hancock didn't meet anyone's eye as it looked like the floor was more important to her at that moment. Moria and Jinbe gave eachother worried looks.

Kuma turned to Sengoku and spoke in a calm voice. "What will happen to Sir Crocodile and Donquixote?"

Sengoku looked and his eyes met Garp's who looked at the others. Sengoku cleared his throat.

"You must not tell anyone."

"They are on a top secret mission."


The two Warlords stepped down the stairs to the docks. The shorter one ignoring the tall one who was giving him a scowl.

"What are you looking at me like that? Fool."

"Out of all the people..."

"Oh shut up, it's too late now, let's just get this done."

The both of the stopped when they reached the docks. They looked around for their ships... they were nowhere to be found.

All that was left was one marine ship.

Marines were everywhere making the ship ready for its leave.

Tsuru walked up to them.

"Sir Crocodile, Donquixote Doflamingo. Thank you for accepting this assignment."

Doflamingo and Crocodile ignored her and scowled at eachother. The old woman stepped on their foot.

The two Warlords stepped on that ship. A normal and daily thing for them. What they didn't know was that it would change their lives forever.



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