3# ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛʙᴜʀꜱᴛ

690 34 17

"Trying to get out, hm?"

Sunoo |

As Sunghoon entered the room, my heart raced with fear. I wanted to explain, to defend myself, but my voice betrayed me. All that came out were stuttered.

Sunghoon's anger was palpable. He advanced toward me, his voice growing louder and more furious with every passing second. "How could I be so dumb and let you here without being tied?" he seethed.

I trembled under his gaze, unable to form a proper response. I knew I had made a huge mistake, and the consequences were about to be dire.

Sunghoon's frustration boiled over, and he practically shouted at me. "How did you open the door?!" Panic surged through me, and I couldn't find my voice to respond. He was getting angrier by the moment.


With a mixture of fear and desperation, I slowly retrieved the hair clip from my pocket and held it out to him. Sunghoon shook his head in disbelief, clearly furious.

"I- I didn't want to-"

"Just shut up already! If I hear a single word from you for the rest of the day, I'll cut off your tongue, I swear!"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded in terrified compliance. Why is it always me? Why can't I just have a normal life?

Sunghoon's grip on my wrist was painfully tight as he secured the ropes around me. The pain shot through my already sore wrists, and I bit my lip to stifle any sound, knowing that speaking or crying would only provoke him further.

As he finished tying me up, he looked back at me with a cruel scoff. "You thought you could escape, huh?"

I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze, my eyes locked on the floor as I continued to cry quietly. The combination of fear, pain, and humiliation was overwhelming.

Before he left the room, Sunghoon leaned in close, his voice dripping with malice. "Remember this. You'll never, ever escape from me." With those chilling words, he turned and walked out, leaving me alone and trapped once more.


A few hours later

The ropes had dug into my skin, and I could feel blood trickling down my hands.

Dizziness washed over me, and my stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I still hadn't eaten anything. Confusion swirled within me. First, Sunghoon had seemed almost caring, even feeding me, but then he had turned into a cruel tormentor. It was impossible to predict his behavior.

The next thing I couldn't predict was Sunghoon entering the room, and as soon as I saw him, I got nervous again, and I just wanted to break down and cry again. Sunghoon sat down next to me, but he didn't say anything at first. I dared not even glance in his direction.

Then, unexpectedly, Sunghoon lifted my chin with a firm but gentle touch, forcing me to meet his gaze. Fear coursed through my veins as I looked into his eyes, not knowing what to expect next.

For a moment, there was silence between us, and I braced myself for whatever punishment or torment he had in store. But instead of lashing out again, Sunghoon's voice was surprisingly soft and filled with a hint of vulnerability. "Why did you do it?" he asked, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

I didn't dare to say anything at first; after all, Sunghoon had forbidden me from speaking earlier. I was unsure of what to do, and Sunghoon seemed to notice my hesitation.

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