Lightbulb x Reader

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Requested by @rustycaik :D hope you enjoy!!

Notes :

O/N = Object name
O/N uses they/them
Also O/N is a rock music fan hehe specifically Nirvana (please listen to the song i put above, it's important to this story!! Also its a rlly good song :] )

I'm not gonna be able to write requests as quick because i just started school again and my schedule is packed </3 So i'm sorry if i take longer than usual to post, i pinky promise i'll keep writing requests as soon as i can!


Lightbulb sighed. It had been two hours, two long, exhausting hours of practicing that song again.

She was planning to confess to O/N through music. Lightbulb had some experience on the baritone, but also on string instruments, more specifically, the guitar. She had asked O/N sneaky questions about their music taste, trying not to make her plan to obvious.

"Hey O/N, what music do you like to listen to?"
"Say, O/N, who's your favourite singer?"
"O/N, you never told me your favourite band!"
"O/N! What's your favourite song?"

O/N had answered :

"Love Buzz by Nirvana!"

Those words had never left Lightbulb's head since. She had never been too fond of rock music, but associating it with O/N made her perceive it differently. She thought about it any time someone mentionned that genre, any time she'd hear rock on the radio, and any time she saw the word "Love" no matter the context.

Lightbulb groaned as she practiced the notes on her guitar again, getting most of them wrong. She had trouble singing and playing at the same time.

"...Would you believe me when i tell you... you're the queen of my heart... Please don't decei- deveic- de- argh!"

She set the instrument down, mumbling some words in frustration. Those two hours hadn't helped at all. She perfectly mastered the song her guitar, but her voice kept disobeying. To make matters worse, the time she had asked O/N to come by was getting dangerously close.

Lightbulb let her hand fall in her hands and sighed loudly. Maybe she should confess another way? So far, her efforts had been fruitless.

The musician jumped at the sound of a knock. Upon opening the door, her eyes met O/N's

"Hi Lightbulb! You wanted to see me?"

"Yes O/N. Come in..."

Lightbulb was internally panicking. Why didn't she start practicing sooner?! What if O/N rejects her? What if she messes up the song? What if she-

"You play the guitar?"

O/N had noticed the instrument laying on Lightbulb's couch.

"Ah- Um! I-i do! I need to show you something with it..."

A sudden idea popped in Lightbulb's head as she picked up the instrument.

"...Say, your favourite song is love buzz, right? Do you think you could sing it?"

O/N blinked a few times.

"...I don't know. I'm not a very good singer. I-"

"C'mon, i won't judge you! I suck at the guitar, we can be bad-music buddies!"

Lightbulb placed the guitar on her lap and placed both her hands on the strings, ready to play it. She grinned as O/N sat next to her, blushing a bit.

"...Okay. On the count of three.
...One, two, three!"

Lightbulb started playing, O/N began singing.

"Would you believe me when I tell you
You're the queen of my heart
Please don't deceive me when I hurt you
Just ain't the way it seems..."

Lightbulb had trouble concentrating on her playing. In her head, O/N sounded way better than she ever could've, while they thought the exact opposite. The sounds mixed together, making a harmonious duet.

"Can you feel my love buzz?
Can you feel my love buzz?
Can you feel my love buzz?
Can you feel my love buzz?

Would you believe me when I do you
You're the queen of my heart
Please don't deceive me when I hurt you
Just ain't the way it seems

Can you feel my love buzz?
Can you feel my love buzz?
Can you feel my love buzz?
Can you feel my love buzz?"

O/N breathed out, visibly relieved this was over. Lightbulb grinned widely, before letting go of her guitar to hug them.

"I told you you'd do wonderful! Weren't we awesome? We are be music buddies now!"

O/N blushed softly at the sudden gesture, but sweetly returned the hug, before breaking the silence.

"...Or music lovers."

A long silence followed.

"Do you mean that?"

The both of them were awkwardly blushing like idiots in love.

"Of course! We could play more love songs, we could cuddle, we could-"

O/N's sentence was interrupted by Lightbulb cupping their face. She was looking at them lovingly, visibly a bit flustered.

"...O/N, can i...?"


Lightbulb let her lips crash into O/N's. That was her first and she had no idea of she was doing it right. Their heartbeats were also a melodious duet, in a way. At some point, both of them pulled away to breathe again.

"I love you O/N!"

"I love you too!"


841 words

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