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"Let's get you some water." I said and quickly took her to the kitchen. I was blushing and I still thought about the fact that me and Minho ALMOST KISSED?!

I had no idea how should I react.

Should I act like nothing happened? Yes, maybe...

I took a glass and I filled it up with water. Then I gave it to Ari and she happily drank it. I then looked at Minho. He was already staring at me, but I had no idea what he thought about. I felt like blushing again, so I quickly turned my gaze to Ari. She finished her glass and she gave it to me. As I was taking it, I didn't really grab the glass tightly and when Ari let it go, it fell and shattered.

I jumped a little, but then I started picking up the broken pieces. Minho ran up to me and squared next to me and started picking up the glass.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I am" I said as our eyes met. We both froze again, staring at each other.

damn I'm getting dejavú

Ari took us from our trance.

"After you clean this up, can you please put me to sleep?" She asked

I found it as a perfect opportunity to get out of this situation.

"Of course." I said and I picked her up.

"I'm gonna clean this and I will take you to bed, okay?"

"I will clean it, take her to bed now. It's late and it's monday tomorrow" Minho said

I smiled and thanked him.

He smiled back.

I then went to Ari's room and I put her in her bed. I was laying down next to her, singing quietly. I was really tired and before I knew it, I fell asleep.


Jisung jumped from my lap and I had a reality check.

What the fuck just happened?!

Jisung quickly took ari to kitchen, gave her water and she happily drank it. I kept looking at jisung.

jisung, what are you doing to me?

I had no idea what I felt right now, all I knew I wanted to go back in time, two minutes would be enough. I wanted to experience the moment we had again. I wanted to feel the things I felt. I wanted my hand on his waist and his hand on my cheek. I wanted to feel the tension.

Our eyes locked. I didn't move away. I kept replaying the moment in my head. I guess jisung couldn't handle it, because he turned away.

He then took the glass from Ari, but he dropped it and it smashed. It fell directly next to jisungs leg, I was worried. I quickly stood up and ran to him. He was already picking up the broken pieces.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I was worried it cut him somewhere.

"Yeah, I am" he said. Our eyes met again, but this time we were close, not that close like before, but it was enough for me to feel my stomach twist. I wanted to experience this moment again, and I did

Ari then spoke, which brought us back to reality.

"After you clean this up, can you please put me to sleep?" She asked

Ari, I love you, but you really didn't have to take this moment away from me too

"Of course." he said and he picked her up.

"I'm gonna clean this and I will take you to bed, okay?"

"I will clean it, take her to bed now. It's late and it's monday tomorrow" I told him. I didn't want him to hurt himself.

He smiled and thanked me.

I smiled back.

It was some time since jisung went to put Ari to sleep. I went to check on them. When I opened the door, I couldn't help but smile. Jisung and Ari laying on a small bed, both trying not to fall down. Ari had her legs on jisung and he was hugging her. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

They were adorable.

I walked up to them and put the blanket all over them. I then glimpsed at them last time, before closing the door and going to sleep.

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