Chapter 1

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(Adele's pov)
          I don't know what I'm doing here, I haven't been out in weeks but here I am out in public  after what it seems to have been forever. I'm out with Jed at a basketball game and I'm not sure why because neither of us are really interested in that sort of thing. I guess he just wanted me somewhere other than my kitchen floor sobbing.

It's been about 45 minutes and not much has happened. I tell Jed I'm going to the bar for a drink.

"Do you want me to come with?" He replied with worry in his expression because I usually would've just dragged him to come with me

"It's fine you don't have to" I say back with an empty look in my eyes. I turn around walking towards the exit.

I quickly make it to the bar since it wasn't far from the exit, there weren't many people there but I didn't bother to see who was. I take a seat.

"A glass of Chardonnay please" I say pulling my wallet out from my purse.

The bartender pours me a glass and places it on the countertop

I don't know why I'm still here. I didn't even want to come in the first place. I guess I just didn't want Jed to loose hope in me but I really can't bother to be worried about what he thinks when I'm trying to not loose hope in myself.

I guess it's a good thing I'm getting out for the first time in a while

Im loosing my self in thought sipping on my wine when I'm snapped out of it by a tap on the shoulder

"Is everything okay? You look bothered." He said

"Oh god" I think to myself.  I've just been drinking away my feelings staring into space I must look mental.

I stare into his deep black eyes for a second
Quickly looking back down at my lap.

"Everything's fine." I say  looking back at him trying to mask my emotions with a smile.

"Sorry, I guess I was just zoning out." I say

"There's nothing you need to be sorry for." He replies.

Something about him makes me feel something I haven't felt in a while.

"So what's a gorgeous woman like yourself doing here all alone?" He says with a flirty tone thick in his voice.

"I just came to get a quick drink but now that I'm here talking to you I have no reason to leave" I reply back looking him up and down.

I know I shouldn't be rushing into something li ke this right after a divorce, we all know where that gets you and I really can't get my heart broken again. These days it seems all men want is just sex and never anything serious, but something about him seems different.

I find my self talking to him more and more telling him things I probably shouldn't be. He's just so understanding and easy to talk to, but there's something more about him.

Our conversation is interrupted by Jed coming up to the bar with a worried look as I realize I have been gone for over an hour now.

I look into his eyes and realize his worry has turned into disappointment

"I think we should get going now Adele, the games over and it's getting late"

"Oh uhm yea your right, just give me a minute to pay and say goodbye. I'll meet you outside"

"Alright" he says walking away

"Let me give you my number, I'd love to talk to you more and get to know you better" rich says, clear in his expression and voice that's not the  only reason he wants my number.

"Of course" I reply putting his number in my phone.

"We'll it was nice talking to you Adele, text me anytime " he says with a slight smirk on his face.

I smile back in agreement

Im quick to gather my things and pay as I don't want to leave Jed waiting to much longer.

I walk outside and see Jed sitting on a bench, I kind of feel bad.

I sit down with him and it isn't long before our taxi arrives.

The ride home is silent and I almost forget I'm in the car with Jed when I start texting rich.

I let out a slight giggle at me and riches conversation through text completely forgetting Jed was sitting right next to me

"Who are you texting"  he says with a curious look on his face as knowing EXACTLY who it was.

"Nobody" I reply turning my phone off and placing it face down on my thigh

"Right" he says in a sarcastic tone.

I roll my eyes and look out the window trying to avoid eye contact with him.

I finally arrive home and I honestly couldn't be more relieved to finally be alone.

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