No Science Fiction But A Stark Reality!

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No Science Fiction But A Stark Reality!

As usual I was going through the daily newspaper when one of the headlines caught my attention. I actually read it thrice to make sure that what I read was not an abrasion of my vision. After reading it three times, I realised it is not a distortion of my vision either, but a real headline that my mind was struggling to come to terms with. And it was so inspite of receiving several visual affirmations from my end.

I am sure you would have reacted similarly had you read the headline in your state, society or country.

Do you know why?

It inflicts upon the reader a sort of grotesque insensitivity where a sinister eeriness possesses his/her mind, because he/she is unable to accept the fact as a social truth anchoring its roots, and actually happening in reality.

I am sure, by now you are wondering what the headline read and you are anxious to know what can be so base and abominable.

I do not want to force you into experiencing a sinister like eeriness, therefore, I am rephrasing the headline in my own words. I am certain though, no matter how hard one tries to rephrase it, the fact it reveals, will force the conscience of the responsible reader into a moment of introspection, who will then think of the loved ones in his/her family.

Anyway here is the headline:

"A 15 year old boy stabbed to death by a juvenile in a fit of anger. The victim had been stabbed several times and then left to die."

Now you might be thinking, what is new about incidents of stabbing. Actually nothing. In 2023 nothing at all! But, this headline is different. It is a minor stabbing a minor to death.

Children do get angry and anger is a part of a child's development. If nature has installed this instinct in our mind, there is a good reason for it to exist. Anger management helps us to master many virtues like: patience, dialogue based conversations, empathy, sympathy, self restraint, self development as an individual, and many other virtues too.

Children who lack anger management, tend to be less patient; and self restraint is definitely not one of their virtues. As human societies are developing and technology is seeking its permanent space in the activities of our daily lives, it is offering us a lot of power and freedom as well. And it definitely has its pros and endless advantages! There is no doubt about it and that is something I never argue about, because it is a fact.

However, the problem arises when technology penetrates too deep and too far into human lives. At this stage it somehow tends to alter a few important values that human societies are based on. One of them being "Parenting and Teaching!"

Childhood is the formative phase of human life, where whatever values and ideals are instilled in the child, will accordingly shape his/her future. And it is a fact proven by social scientists, that children who do not receive proper parenting and teaching, grow up to be less tolerant and very abusive. Although there are a few exceptions, and these exceptions are extremely rare.

With the widespread use of technology many parents, and even few teachers, in case of few schools are letting technology seek total control. When this human involvement, both as guide and guardian reduces, the child assumes the role of the captain of his/her life. And given his/her tender age where he/she cannot arrive at conclusions independently he/she is forced to believe whatever he/she is doing is correct. Whereas, it is completely otherwise- This child is like a captain who knows the Titanic is steering towards a solid iceberg and yet orders to move forward at full speed. And the Titanic meets its ominous fate and sinks. We all know the rest!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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