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So this is a well Jun centric story..... while it also will have some other member×member moments..... it's Jun centric and modern omegaverse....
I'm not sure if I'll ever complete it but oh well.....
Anyway this story will have lot of different complex situations(inspo drawn from other Wattpad stories 😅)which I shall explain later on as the story proceeds....
*If u don't like any element of the story feel free to not read it*
My first story ever.... woofff!!
On with the story....

*19th August, 2016*

The day that changed Jun's life for worse or...... better.

| 12:48 am |

Jun stood there in the performance unit's practice room watching himself in the mirror....
It had forced it's way through his body and all his protests almost an hour ago and he couldn't stop any of it..... another wave of cramps raked through his stomach and body and he fell trying to curl in on himself. He didn't want this. He didn't like this. IT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!

*28th May, 2016*

Just a day has passed since their 1 year anniversary. The members of Seventeen were calm and happy after all the schedules they had finally finished and had 3 days to themselves. It was still early for the young idols and the house was peacefully quite with a humming Mingyu working around their new kitchen counter. It was simply beautiful and fresh for the boys as they had just moved to a new bigger dorm which was clearly well furnished with a slight whisper of aristocracy tickling the interior.

Few minutes into Mingyu trying to figure out something for his rumbling stomach another presence was felt. Mingyu turned towards the stairs in the front of the counter he was working at to see a mildly raspy Jun coming down the stairs while his phone had all his attention locked causing him to miss the last 2 steps. Jun had his life flash before his eyes before he steadied himself with the help of the railings thanking his quick reflexes silently. It did hurt his ankle a little but why should anyone know that?? He was a man and an alpha to be soon duh.... he could tolerate a little pain.....

Other than the 3 eldest boys everyone was yet to present as an Alpha, Omega or Beta. While everyone presents between the ages of 19-22, earlier or later every once or twice in a while, they start showing a little of their characteristics beforehand starting adolescence..... but still not everything could be very accurate and unexpected things keep happening all the time. While their trainee years they all had made some guesses about each other's sub genders and it had been mostly true for the eldest three, all of whom had presented last year. Jeonghan was the first to present and he turned to be an Omega as they had guessed. S.coups presented next and became a very strong alpha to no one's surprise although he still was very much a cinnamon roll when not in rut. His rut has basically scared the living shits of everyone in the household when it happened last December. Jeonghan had handled his first rut but the experience wasn't exactly pleasant given that all of them were new to those things. After the 3rd day, Cheol's rut has died leaving behind a very exhausted S.coups and an almost dead Jeonghan. The medic team of Pledis entertainment had to interfere and nurse Haniie back to life. It was awful but after some counselling and some advices both knew how to tackle Coups' next rut.

Early into the next year Jisoo had also presented but had not experienced any rut as of yet. Nobody expected any other omega to present anytime soon meaning Jeonghan had to take Jisoo's rut as well and if Jun and Hoshi also presented any time soon and turned out to be alphas.... Oh boy was Jeonghan in for some shitty time before any omega turned up.

Jisoo presenting as an alpha was slightly surprising as most of them were 70-80% sure that he would present as a Beta or an Omega even. His soft and shy pre-debut nature and love for kids made it seem that way so when his eyes started flashing red one day around the middle of January and the smell of fresh Sandalwood filled the room with alpha pheromones embracing the atmosphere making Jeonghan submit slightly, the boys were shocked mildly as they knew miracles do happen.

After Jisoo presented the boys were expecting Jun, Hoshi and Wonwoo presenting any day as Woozi's birthday was not until November and nobody expected him to present before the 3 elder 96 liners. But none of those three had presented yet.

Jun flashed a smile at Mingyu before asking what he was doing.

"Just trying to tame my stomach hyung" Mingyu had replied and Jun knew Mingyu had failed to conjure up anything so he walked up to the fridge bringing out some instant rice packs along with some other ingredients conjuring up a simple yet hearty bowl of Kimchi bokkeumbap for him and leaving Mingyu to enjoy the meal but not without a simple kiss on his forehead and a light scratching on his nape to which Gyu replied with a smile through his stuffed and pink tinted cheeks.

Jun had always loved showing affection to his members through his acts. He was not very good with words and generally never initiated any affection but the small acts of love here and there showed his members that he loved them and cared for them a lot silently. Silent affection was mostly an Alpha's character according to elders and other people and that was what they were taught by the elders so everyone guessed Jun would be an alpha. Jun also guessed he would be an alpha and honestly he wanted to be an alpha. He had learned that Omegas were mistreated and taken advantage of most of the time and Alphas were strong and known as the protector of Omegas. While he believed none of that and knew Omegas could take well care of themselves he still didn't like the way they could be dominated so easily. Adding the monthly heats and all.... he didn't want to be an Omega mostly because he didn't want to be a burden to his group what with 2 or more Omegas. Most of them had guessed The8 and Seungkwan would turn out to be Omegas or atleast one of them will. 2-3 Omegas were enough for the group.... Jun didn't want to add to the burden of another omega and more heats.

There was another fear..... When Jeonghan presented as an Omega he noticed the company acting weird and after 3 months when Cheol presented as an Alpha in July, Jeonghan was called to the company immediately. He was given a lot of forms and was told to sign them if he wanted to continue his career as an idol. He didn't tell the members right away and just signed the forms while secretly breaking inside. After a month when Jeonghan was admitted to the hospital without any illness the group grew restless when the news broke on them. Being presented as an Omega made Jeonghan fertile. Being a idol maintaining pregnancy and a child would be tough so Jeonghan had to go through the process of destroying his fertility and become sterile. It broke them all heavily and they knew they had to get used to this cause another Omega or more would be coming and would have to go through the same thing.

Loosing fertility was really hard for any person and Omegas with their montherly nature suffered a little more through the pain, more psychological than physical.....

Jeonghan had succeeded in keeping his happy facade before the procedures started but after everything was done and his infertility was confirmed he broke down completely. He spent days without talking to anyone, not even Cheol or Jisoo. He refused to eat or get out of his room or let anyone in the room for 4 days. On the 5th day he let Jisoo in when he brought food but still looked like a pale ghost. After a few day they had managed to get him out but he refused to talk to anyone and looked like his soul has been sucked out..... After another 2 weeks he started talking a little and it took time for his goofy and playful nature to appear but it did after the group's collective efforts. Deep down he would still always hurt and they knew they could never really erase that emptiness from his soul but they tried to not touch the subject as long as they could.

Jun saw how much pain it caused Jeonghan and while he now knew Omegas are very strong, if not stronger than Alphas mentally, and his love and respect for Jeonghan grew even more, if that was possible, after Hannie regained his natural self back he knew he himself didn't want to go through the pain so he chose to be an Alpha but only the stars knew what his destiny beheld for him.

For now he could go back to cuddling The8 and go back to a peaceful nap.....

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