Chapter 9: Roses and Tea

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(Outfit and wig)

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(Outfit and wig)

Rosalinda POV:

I found myself laying on the same couch with a pillow and a blanket now, I saw a note on the stand next to me. 

Hello Rosa,

I found you and Laito on the couch, I was surprised to see him laying down on your lap all content and calm. It seems to me you have an effect on all of us and we just don't see it yet, although I've caught onto it. I was concerned when I smelled blood on you, please come to me once you're awake to let me know if anything had happened to you while you were here. If so Laito will be punished accordingly. Come see me please.

Sincerely, Reiji

I gulp thinking Laito would get in trouble from what had happened yesterday, my fingertips subconsciously run over my lips and I blush a little pink blush. Even though I didn't see him kiss me, I felt the warmth and his tongue. I bury my head into the pillow I had lowly screamed realizing it was my first kiss. Being sick doesn't exactly allow you to have a full on relationship so embarrassingly enough I'm a full on virgin, never even held a guy's hand let alone kissed a guy. I sighed deeply realizing I can't take it back, so I just decided to get up and head to my room to get ready for the day, wig and all. (Outfit up top) I adjust my wig straight as I walk to Reiji's room, I knock lightly as to not disturb him. I suddenly hear painful moans and I feel panicked thinking Reiji is being hurt so I open the door as gently as I can as to not startle him, I blush seeing him sleeping without his glasses on and sitting up with a book in his lap. The moans continue and his face contorts like he's in pain, I feel awful for him so I quietly close the door and tiptoe over to him. I hesitantly reached over to stroke his bangs out of his face, "Reiji.... wake up Reiji," I place a hand on his shoulder still stroking his hair to make it as gentle as I can. I hear a groan and I freeze feeling him move, I gulp seeing his eyes open to look at me. I can't stop the blush raised onto my cheeks as he looks at me with those dark red eyes of his, "I'm sorry. I just heard you in pain and I felt guilty if I had left you like that," my hand is grabbed in a gentle hold and lips get pressed into my palm and I blush deeper, "Why'd you stop stroking my hair, it felt nice," my ears were steaming at this point on account of his sweet words. 

I hear him chuckle lightly and let my hand go while I stand there embarrassed, "It's alright. How about I make us some tea," I nod lightly as I mindlessly wander over to a love seat he keeps near his bookshelves. What is with all these boys showing me some kind of affection, first Kanato with him wiping my tears away, then Laito taking my first kiss because my mouth had blood in it, and now Reiji kissing my hand. It's like they're obsessed with me in a way I'm not used to, "I can feel your thoughts overwhelming you, something on your mind," I sighed nodding as he comes over holding tea out to me in a cup. I take it gently while thanking him, "I'm just confused Reiji. All of you are vampires and I was brought here because my family could no longer afford my treatement. I'm living with 6 males who don't have girlfriends, so they're naturally lonely and with my treatments in the beginning and me being sick a lot I've never had a boyfriend or even had been around any men other than my father. So it's a tad strange to be around men who are overly affectionate towards me. I will admit Laito had kissed me after he bit me, but he didn't do it by force, but I was caught off guard, you kissing my hand was strange, and Kanato wiped my tears when I was sobbing in his room because I was feeling awful. I don't want Laito punished for what he did, but I'm feeling overwhelmed by the affection," he nods as I take a sip of my tea. "I see. I might have a talk with my brothers to try and make you feel less uncomfortable, I will however have to punish Laito because it wasn't right of him to kiss you without your permission. But I won't be harsh to him because you didn't ask me to do this," he answers as he drinks his own tea.

I sigh taking another sip of my tea, "Well just don't hurt him, I would hate for him to get hurt since he apologized to me," I finish my tea. "Thank you Reiji," I say setting my cup and saucer down. He nods at me and watches as I tried to stand but I'm hit with a wave of exhaustion and I fall back down on the couch, "Reiji... what's going... on," I'm feeling a little drowsy as Reiji walks over to me. He lifts my chin to look into my eyes as my eyes droop slightly, "I'm sorry to have slipped a sedative into your tea, Rosa. But I noticed that you are a little paler than normal, I know you haven't been eating because of your sickness. You do need rest though," he lightly picks me up in his arms and carries me to my room. "Reiji.... if you wanted me to.... rest.... why didn't you just.... let me take a sleeping pill.... you don't have to slip me something...." he looks down at me and smiles. "I know I just wanted you to sleep my dear. I'll know for next time, I promise. If only there was a way I could help you get food in your system without you getting sick. Maybe I can get you some chicken broth to drink," I nod as I finally fall asleep when my body is gently laid down on my bed. This might be a little more complicated as things continue on, but at least Reiji is considerate towards my feelings and sickness.

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