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ISABEL DIDN'T KNOW WHAT, it was, but something just made her break down in tears. She couldn't believe that the dark haired man was able to just move on so quickly, so it hurt her so bad to hear that he fell in love with another woman. It wasn't even the fact that she was just some random woman either because she'd recalled the time he'd moaned out her name while he was having sex with her. It hurt her so much that she even started having a panic attack in that same second.

While he was out catching feelings for other women, she was suffering and obsessing over him. She didn't think that anybody could get this deep inside of her head ever, yet here she was, sobbing at the man's feet with her head craned up at him as he grimaced with squinted eyes, his large hands entering his pockets once again.

"Th-This isn't.. f-fair?!! Why are you like this? Why are you doing this to me!?" She cried out, still struggling to breathe the but also still wanting to get her point out to the man that could do nothing but shrug.

"You're just gonna have to deal with it." Phoenix responded with a bored look on his face, making it known that he wasn't in the mood for any of the blonde at the moment. He didn't think this would happen, but then he realized that the woman on the ground was so unbearably obsessed with him, so he just knew he wouldn't be able to handle anymore of her.

There was little hiccups heard from the beautiful teen that had blood shot red eyes as she clenched her hand with her breaths getting a little lower. She didn't want to make herself get sent to the hospital, she knew she would never see Phoenix ever again after that, so she tried to calm down, "S-So you.. lied to me when you... t-told me you didn't love her..?!"

Pursing his lips at the awkward atmosphere that set between the both of them due to that question, Phoenix threw his head back in thought before he snapped it back down to the blonde, a heavy sigh passing his mouth, "I... Look, Isabel.. There shouldn't be any hard feelings between us.."

"What do you mean..?? You're trying to leave me after all of the stuff w-we've been through...! Of course there's gonna be hard feelings..! I love you, and you're just tossing me like I'm trash!!" Her words were fast as a few more of her salty tears that glistened from her eyes ran down her puffy red cheeks. It was like she couldn't handle the intense energy that she was putting out in the first place.

"If you think I'm tossing you like you're trash, then tell me here..." he took even closer steps over to Isabel, watching as the angry expression turned into a slight pout while there was a small shine that filled her eyes, trying to show that there was still some hope in her face before she listened to the next words that came from him, "Why are you still in love with me??"

For some reason the teen that sat herself on the ground seemed very bewildered by his question, so all she did was part her lips while some more breaths past her mouth before she finally had something so little to say to him, "Huh...?"

"You heard me. You're making it seem like I'm some kind of demon because you're the one that's in love with me." There was yet another sickening smile that passed over his mouth, causing Isabel's eyebrows to furrow as she looked up at him, bothered by the fact that he didn't even try to hide the slight chuckles that could be heard by her.

Isabel released her hands from fists before she started fiddling with them as her fingers sat down in her lap, trying to think of anything to say to Phoenix since she knew she wasn't in the right mind state this very second. She silently cursed to herself for having a meltdown, but then she finally thought of something once again, "It's.. it's because you're-"

"Me? No, I think you've got it all wrong. You cannot get mad at me because it seems like I've lost all feelings for you, okay? Because In reality, I've never even had them. You're the one that's going all crazy over me when I never liked you a day in my life. That's your problem. You're... mentally ill and blind."

The female grunted with her blue eyes shutting tightly, afraid that he'll only play with her feelings again, "See?! You're fucking with my feelings...! It's not fair how you just.. th-think you can do that to me when all I've ever done is love you, even when you didn't love me!!"

By now Phoenixes smile was completely wiped off of his face, and he began to wonder how she still doesn't have any self respect. He thought that her trying to get revenge on him would've been better than watching her whine to him about love he never even had for her, "I'll ask you again... If you're so bothered by the fact that I'm messing with your feelings, then why are you still here?"

Peeling her eyes open before she frowned to the man above her while a single tear dropped out of her eye, that's when sniffles came from her red nose while there was slight bags underneath her eyes, "I... You know that I'm too In love with you... This isn't fair at all!! W-What have you done to me...!?"

"What have you done to yourself." Phoenix hated that she was trying to blame everything on her. He knew that he wasn't the best guy, but he never asked her to fall this in love with him because he never expected her to in the first place, "Now, I need to go."

Now all of her thoughts were pushed away from her mind once she heard the man dismiss himself like their conversation was just finished, "Huh?! Go where...? Where are you going??"

Phoenix didn't do anything. He just stated her dead in her eyes and told her the honest truth that he knew she wouldn't want to hear, secretly hoping that'd it scar her, and also hoping that she would get the hint to leave him alone for good,"I'm going to go see if I can find Y/N."

August as promised!! should I reveal Isabel?

August as promised!! should I reveal Isabel?

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