1. (41) This world is crazy, crazy!

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Hi there... If you are new, I recommend you first read my stories "Hillwood Tales" and "Welcome to the Camp of the brave lynxes" to understand everything!


The Jr High School... a bigger place, more stupids teachers, unwished ones, others just...unbearables... Some of the always classmates, some new ones... all this is a disaster...

Around Helga, who was wearing an uncomfortable green dress, was Eugene trying to escape for what looked like an animal, Rhonda and Angela fighting and a terrified teacher trying to stop all the students.

But yes I know, I've to start from "the very beginning" like that cheesy song of that old musical said.

Was in a September morning... 6th... the 7th grade was starting and, like always, I was in my best mood to start a new step in my non-so-miserable life.

- Helga, sweet, is time to wake up! - The voice of her grandma, knocking the door, almost interrupted her dreams.

- Oh Arnold... yes I want to marry you, oh my love... - She said, ignoring completely the reality around her, and of course, the time.

- Helga... you'll be late, and this is your first day...

- Oh Arnold... pastrami...

- Oh that girl. - The old lady sighed in surrender, took a breath and screamed at the top of her lungs. - Yes Arnold, she is still sleeping!

- Arnold is here? Criminy! I'm coming!

The terrified blond teen, shot out of bed, falling to the floor, the sheets having won the battle, tangled around her legs.

Yes, I was late for my first day, but wasn't my fault, I mean, my new bed is so comfortable and the last week I couldn't enjoy it because I was to spend my last vacation days in that stupid summer camp and, gee, I don't have a bed in a couple of years... I was just enjoying the turn of events.

- Don't worry, he isn't here, it was just a hustle, but now you're awake! - Gerry laughed.- But Phoebe is here.

- Thank you Mrs Viksten. - She crossed the door with a big smile on her face.

- Please darling, just call me Gerry. Well I'll be waiting for you in the dinner room. - She closed the door, leaving the friends alone.

- Seems like a tornado was here, is everything ok?

- Yes Pheebs, was just my grandma and her morning jokes. Hey you look different, eh?

- Oh, do you say for my dress?... Yes.. Is new... you know, new school, new year... I thought that it would be a nice change... what do you think?

I looked at her, feet to top of her head. She looked a little nervous waiting for my answer. Oh my dear friend, she would never understand that she is beautiful, no matter the clothes that she wears... but I've to admit that this new and modern red dress with a white neck, looks amazing on her, she looks older now.

- Red Pheebs, a big good change! You look hotter! Gerald won't be able to breathe when he looks at you!

- Do you think so?- The face of the girl was totally more relaxed. - I mean, I used blue for so long, but, you know, later of our adventure in the Camp, I wanted something totally different.

- Don't worry Pheebs, not a peep of that crazy lady left on you and yes, that change looks great on you. - Helga opened the closet and started looking for her classical dress.

- Are you wearing new clothes too? You know... to impress certain ice cream...

- Gee Pheebs, we haven't called him like that since so long! And no.. actually I'll dress my classical, you know, my pink dress, is my seal.

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