A Screw Loose M/M - Oliver's POV

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In the midst of our lark, Alexander arrived, broke it up and kicked all of us out except Zander. All to lick his future mother-in-law's ass, who he is frightfully afraid of. Zander threw quite a wobbly, and we all know why. That big weirdo can't ask nicely for anything, especially not for the hairbrush. I don't understand why it's so incredibly difficult for him, and Sophia for that matter. It's fascinating, but I can't grasp it.

That's what the love of my life and I ponder over in the garden while we wait for my dad to pick us up. And by the garden, I mean right outside Zander's bedroom window. I know how horrendously impolite it is, but he should've closed the curtains fully and not left the window open if he didn't want to catch two nosy lads' attention. He should muffle the embarrassing giggles and moans, too.

There's nothing that cringes me out more yet gives me satisfaction than witnessing Zander getting a humiliating hiding. I love him as my special childhood friend, but that just gives me a boost. It's a guilty pleasure of mine.

Alexander whacking away with the vintage hairbrush I donated to Zander after he found it in the attic makes it even better. I'm always surprised that the wood hasn't cracked yet because it's not like it was made to hit, and Alexander isn't exactly brushing it over his ass. He's basically slamming it like a lunatic, and that draws out giggles from his little lunatic boy.

''...This is why I can't take Zander's threats seriously. He hasn't changed pants since Primary school,'' I whisper, leaning my chin onto Wesley's shoulder as I hug him from behind. It kinda amazes me how Alexander doesn't burst into laughter when his husband-to-be wears pants with cute animated puppies.

''Where do they even sell those in adult sizes? Or do you think he's bought the largest boy size? They kinda look like Bella's bikini knickers."

''Maybe Debbie sewed them for him," I whisper. "He gladly wears those, yet he lambasted his mum for suggesting a Dalmatian tattoo."

''Don't make me laugh and get us caught,'' he chuckles.

That would mortify Zander and be riotous. However, I don't trust Alexander not to corruptly give Holling a reason to wallop me to get back at me.

Bloody switch.

''...I don't understand his obsession with hairbrushes. How does an interest like that even develop?'' he muses. ''And for a man like Alexander to want to wield it - it looks stupid and wrong. Do you know what I mean?"

''Me neither. It's mental. Spoons are almost worse - they're for mad and miserable grandmas and mums like Debbie, not men,'' I whisper. ''Slippers are gender-neutral, and canes have no gender - they're simply for evil creatures.''

''Indeed, indeed,'' he murmurs. ''I get that Zander has a screw loose that makes him want to be humiliated like this, but Alexander - does he not understand or care about looking stupid by wielding a girly object? They shouldn't mock me for my dainty traits when they do barmy stuff like this."

''I think you need to have a screw loose to want to hit and humiliate your boyfriend, too," I say. "You're more handsome than all the other men and that overgrown little boy."

''That's a brill point,'' Wesley notes, grasping my hand to kiss it. ''I think Alexander has less screws loose than Leo, though. I like him, but he looks ridiculous when he hits Zander with girly things."

''Yeah, Alexander is much better and a good fit," I hum. "I just need to figure out how to deal with his switchy nature."

''Can't you try to get him in trouble with Holling or even Debs?''

''Yeah, but I need to be extremely careful so he doesn't realise it's me because I don't want him to get back at me,'' I muse and shamelessly allow myself to watch the shameful event on the other side of the glass. ''...I wonder if Alexander's blood flow has been cut off yet. Zander is pretty heavy. Not as heavy as his mother, who likely crushes whoever she sits or lies on–'' my filterless and resentful mouth slips out.

''Ey up, lads!''

My heart suddenly stops, and a blow to my head compels me to jerk back. Of course, it's the person I insulted a second ago. ''Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Don't scare me like that woman!'' I exclaim.

''Why are you still here, peeking into Zander's bedroom?'' Debbie scolds us, leaning forward to peep inside herself. You'd expect a mum to recoil or shut her eyes when she sees her son in a scenario like this, but this dotty mother pops her eyes wide open and chuckles. "Are you feeling tempted to switch places with Zander?''

''Nooo," I drawl to have time to make up an explanation. "We are waiting for Dad to pick us up and we heard Zander yelp, so we thought he might need our help,'' I whisper, the last part being an obvious lie. ''I don't know what takes Dad so long.''

Debbie overlooks my inadequate lie and eyes us up and down, her characteristic glare emerging in no time. "Also, you're ruining my bloody flowers!''

''Sorry,'' I look down at the colourful flowers that have already started to fade and wilt. ''...But they will wilt soon enough, anyway.''

''They're already dying,'' Wesley adds.

''I will take you home now,'' Debbie declares, motioning us to step out of the flowerbed and follow. ''Hopefully, those two are done when I come back.''


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