New Holland

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Riku: Where are we and why are we Grey?
Sora & Hailey: I don't know!
Victor: Hi there do you need help?
Sora: Yes thank you. Where are we?
Victor: This is New Holland, I'm Victor and this is my dog Sparky.
Hailey: Pleasure to meet you Victor!
* Victor runs off with Sparky*
Chirithy appears
Chirithy: He is the pure light of this world so you three need to protect him.
Hailey, Riku and Sora: Ay ay
*Hailey follows after Victor when an organization 13 member*
Organization 13 member: Not so fast girl! He is the light of this world and I cannot let you have him.
Hailey: Let me past!
Organization 13 member: Not a chance girl! I think it's about time you go to sleep.
* The Organization 13 member uses magic to knock Hailey out and to grab Victor*
Riku: Hailey? Hailey?
Sora: I have an idea. Sparky give her a wash.
* Sparky licks Haileys face and she starts to gain consciousness*
Hailey: They took Victor.
Riku: Oh no!
* At that moment the organization 13 creeps up behind Sora and clasps his hand over Soras mouth*
Organization 13 member: Shh! Stay quiet for now! Prince of light!
Riku: Let him go!
Hailey: Who exactly are you?
Organization 13 member: My name is Promithious.
Riku: What do you want with Sora?
Promithious: Well simply Xehanort wants to collect 7 princess of heart but turns out your boyfreind is one of them.
Riku: What!?
Hailey: Impossible!
Promithious: No it total is possible!
*At that moment Sparky bit onto Promithious's causing him to let go of Sora in the pain before disappearing through a dark portal*
Victor: By God what happened?
Hailey: You were kidnapped by that guy as you're apparently a body of light.
* Sparky barks and bounces on top of his owner*
Victor: Aw Sparky I missed you to boy.
* End of New Holland*

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