Chapter 2: Whoa...

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(Janna/Reader's POV)

I found Emma waiting for me on the other side of the loop, "Let's get going." I said. Emma stood up and nodded, we walked back to the house. I opened the front door and walking into the now dark house. Emma sighed, "We sadly missed the reset." I nodded and went to find Miss Peregrine, she was in the study. "I am back and Jacob has been dropped off safely." Miss Peregrine smiled, "Wonderful, now its best that you are off to bed." I nodded and made my way to my room. 

I set down my bag and changed into a beige sweater that had 'JP' embroidered on the back, 'Janna Portman', memories started flooding back to me, Jacob and I's grandfather calling us to the table for lunch, "Yacob! JP!" The words played in my head and tears started flowing down my face, Grandpa Abe couldn't pronounce Jacob or Janna but I loved my nickname. I pulled on a pair of shorts and sat on the bed. The tears turned to sobs and before I knew it I was curled up on my bed crying into my pillow. Grandpa Abe was my best friend, now he was gone and I hadn't fully realized it till now. When he was dying Jacob was on his knees, crying but I was standing, staring blankly at him, not knowing how to process it, I thought that when we made it to Cairnholm, he would still be here, I don't know how I could be so foolish. I half expected Enoch to open my door and tell me to shut up and go to sleep but he didn't. After about 10 minutes of crying I finally stopped and collected myself. I started putting everything where they belonged, my 2 pairs of shoes at the foot of bed, my clothes hung in the closet, my taxidermized rabbit next to the rabbit heart, which stayed even with the reset. I took out my phone, which no long worked, and laid it on the vanity. I looked through my clothes that I wore today and put my knife beside my phone. I then plopped down on my bed and drifted into a peaceful sleep. 

When I awoke it was morning and the sun was streaming through the window. I got up and picked out a burgundy skirt that hit just below the knee, along with a white shirt, and y brow mary janes. I brushed my brown hair and left it down. I looked at myself in the vanity mirror and then I left my bedroom. I made my way down the stairs and found almost everybody, including my brother, in the Livingroom. Instead of joining them I walked back up the stairs to my room, I live here, he doesn't, why am I an outcast among outcasts?

 I opened the door to my room and shut it behind me. I looked around and realize I left my bed unmade, I made my bed and then sat on the floor under my window, I can't wait for my dad to decide that him and Jacob are leaving and I can live my life. Tears streamed down my face and I wiped them away, I've never cared about what others think, why should that change now? I collected myself and grab my knife off of my vanity, I slid it into my sock and left my room. I opened the door and saw Enoch also leaving his room, I sighed and headed to the stairs Enoch doing the same, we walked down the stairs at the same pace. Enoch turned to go to the Livingroom and I turn the opposite direction headed to the basement, Enoch stopped and turned to look at me, then he began following me. I opened the basement door and started going down, Enoch close behind me. 

Instead of going to the stool I sat at yesterday, I sat on the floor under the stairs, Enoch sat down in front of his table and looked at me, I didn't meet Enoch's gaze, it seemed like he didn't care how I felt, he was just curious. I laid my head on the underside of a step and then heard a knock on the door, Enoch seemed to become enraged, "WHAT?!" His head turned to the door and I looked at him. The door opened, it was Jacob, "Have you seen Janna?" Enoch rolled his eyes, "No, why would I have? Get out!" The door closed and Enoch and I just stared at each other. I looked away and brought my knees to my chest, I rested my head on my knees, and closed my eyes. I could feel Enoch's eyes on me. I sighed, "Why are you staring?" I asked. Enoch retaliated, "Why are you in MY basement?" I opened my eyes and looked at Enoch, "My brother." Enoch raised an eyebrow, "The one that was just looking for you?" I nodded, "I hate that I'm an outcast even around other outcasts. I'm so much smarting than Jacob, y'know he doesn't even realize he's peculiar?" Enoch's expression didn't change, "Does he not realize you have to be peculiar to enter a loop?" He asked. I shook my head, "Dumbass." I mumbled. Enoch chuckled a bit and I immediately looked up, the boy who was known as mean, coldhearted, and rude, laughing? Yes, he was. I smiled and Enoch stopped, "Don't let Miss Peregrine hear you talk like that." he said in a warningly tone. I nodded. I laid my head back on my knees and closed my eyes. I wish I knew what my peculiar ability was, that would be nice, maybe than I wouldn't get pushed aside when Jacob is around or available. I was lost in thought when I realized, "You're like me." I said lifting my head up to look up at Enoch, "An outcast among outcasts." Enoch nodded, "correct." I stood up and pulled the stool I sat in yesterday over to Enoch's table and sat down. "Well, we could always be outcasts together?" I offered, Enoch looked at me in genuine shock before looking away, "That'd be nice..." Enoch said hesitantly. I stood up and walked over to Enoch I grabbed his hand, his cold necromancer hand, and pulled him out of his seat, he's about two inches taller than me. I pull him up the stairs, I open the door a bit and check if anyone's around, I see no one, I can hear everyone in the Livingroom, I open the door and pull Enoch over into the kitchen and out the back door. I brought Enoch into the sun, instead of being mad like I thought he would be, he looked relieved... I smile at him and let go of his hand, I spin around in the sun. I fall back onto the soft grass, laughing happily. I can hear Enoch also laughing as he plops down onto the ground next to me.

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