Chapter Three

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Bright and early the next morning just as he said Erik and Mia were on a flight to New York, it was a long flight, but Mia had been somewhat excited with it being her first time on an airplane, but they were now in a cab heading toward Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Mia was nervous, to say the least, and she was playing with her fingers as she looked up at Erik, "What if they don't like me?"

The man gave her a smile, "That's nonsense, Mia, of course, they'll like you." Mia bit her lip slightly, She didn't really believe him at the moment, her experience with her relatives and the people from the Orphanage making it hard for her to believe that anyone could like a freak like her.

As Mia and Erik were making their way to the Mansion, a woman with dark red hair stood bouncing excitedly by the door, awaiting the arrival of the two. A man with dark hair and striking gray eyes chuckled at her, "Aster, calm down and stop your bouncing, you're going to frighten the girl."

The redhead Aster pouted slightly but stopped as the man requested because she knew that he was right, "All right Reggie, I'll stop, but I can't help my excitement, This girl is important I don't know why yet, but I know she is."

The man just kissed her on the side of the head, "Well my love they'll be here in just a few minutes, and maybe we can figure it out."

The cab had just pulled up to the Mansion and Mia was staring wide-eyed at the place, since she had never seen a building so big before, much less been allowed to go inside. Erik smiled and chuckled at the girls' expression, "Welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Mia."

She turned to him, "This is the place you told me about?"

He nodded, "It is." The two grabbed their things and before the man could even ring the bell the door was pulled open revealing a grinning Aster as she welcomed them, "Hello, little one my name is Aster, my husband Reggie and I will be escorting you and Erik to see Charles."

Mia gave the woman a shy smile, "Hi, I'm Mia."

"It's lovely to meet you, Mia." Then the two walked inside and Aster closed the door behind them.

Reggie smiled at the young girl, "Hello there, I'm Reggie, and as my lovely wife has already pointed out, we will be your escort to see the Headmaster of the school, Charles Xavier."

Mia gave the man a polite smile as Aster and Reggie led the two through the halls of the school, Aster was pointing things out to the young girl as they went, Mia was looking around in awe at the surrounding things, she had never seen anything so grand. The three adults noticed her face but didn't say anything as they approached Charles' office.

Aster smiled at the man she looked at as her uncle, "Professor."

"Hello Aster, is this the girl you mentioned to me last night?"

"Yes, professor, this is Mia," Aster turned to the girl a warm smile on her face, "Mia this is Professor Charles Xavier this is his school, and he's the headmaster."

"Hello," Mia spoke softly almost shyly, she was still wary of the people around her.

They spoke for a few minutes and Charles looked at Erik and spoke to him telepathically, "You're sure she's a mutant?"

The man in question nodded and looked at Mia, "Mia, why don't you show Charles what you showed me last night?"

Mia hesitated, "I don't want to mess anything up I don't know how to control it..."

Charles gave the girl a smile, "It's all right Mia, whatever gets messed up can easily be fixed, I need to gauge how powerful your mutation is, so I know what kind of training to start you on."

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