I wasn't dancing...

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"New song release! Nice!" I'm running back to my dorm. And there is a reason.

A new song by Ado just came out.

I can't wait to blast it. I'm getting hyped just thinking about it.

~~~~~~~~~at our room, (ingihyde)~~~~~~~~~~

I immediately plug in my speakers and turn the music up.

I've spent months anticipating this song. And, gods, those months were well worth the wait.

The beat, the bass, and the vocals. Spot on, as always.

I can't help but get up off my bed and start dancing. Headbanging, swaying my hips, and just feeling the music all around.

Unfortunately, my music was so loud that I didn't hear my door open.

"H-Hey, y/n-... oh..." I turned around when I spun. And bam. A flustered and embarrassed Idia.

So naturally, I freak out and panic. He's just kinda standing in the doorway, watching.

The thing is... people aren't meant to see that. Or me dancing.

I shove him out of my doorframe and slam the door... was that maybe too aggressive?



Once the song finishes, I add it to my favorites.

"Odo by Ado. What a thing."

But, because I feel like a major jerk, I walk over to my housewardens room.

×+×+×+×+×+×+×+×his room×+×+×+×+×+×+×+×+

I knock. And the door swings open instantly. I jump back in shock.

He stands there. Still embarrassed but not flustered.

"I-i'm s-so s-soryy... i-i- I should've knocked, or warned you, or-"

I cut him off. Poor dude is feeling guilty for something he didn't even do.

"Hey, it's alright. I should've kept my music down a bit... by the way, what did you wanna tell me? You don't leave your room without a reason..."

He stands, thinking about what he was going to tell me. (I assume so anyway)

"Well, your music was the issue. You could feel the vibrations from outside. Furthermore, I didn't know you could dance."

Ah, yes. The million dollar question. Can y/n dance.

Yes. I can.

"Oh... um... yeah... I wasn't dancing... I was..."

Lying is pointless here. He saw. And he saw for a good while.

"Just... don't tell people? Okay? Please, for me?"

Of course, he agrees.

But before I leave, he makes one final comment.

"I should walk in on you and your music more often..."

And with that, I leave. Embarrassed and flustered.

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