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Venus Mikaelson
The Icon

Cause of death was murder

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Cause of death was murder... duh

You need to chillax

I can't go around without a phone, that's like going around without a brain...or shoes

Venus knows what Venus means

I'll hardly see how's that relevant

Here we go again with the drama

I don't attract attention!

Hey don't blame me, it's not my fault you have no sense of style

You wanker!

I told you, you would die and you choose this place?

You think I asked for this life

News flash, I'm immortal darling

Many have tried and failed, so go ahead

How sweet you think I can't get something I want

Hey can we speed the process up a little, I have places to be

You asked I answered, if you don't want an answer then don't ask

And people wonder why I don't like you

You think your in charge? Oh your so cute

Not everything is about me? When have I ever said it was?!

I don't care if you love me or hate me. If you love me I will always be in your heart and if you hate me I will always be on your mind

Oh that's a bonus

Oh how sweet you think I care

Life was never meant to be easy, if it was everyone would have the life they dreamed off

I did it for you, but your to selfish to realize

Everyone as themselves, Venus is replacing Hanna.
I own nothing but my own character, everything else belongs to the rightful creator.

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