꒰❤️‍🔥꒱# 4

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"Zoya, where are you girl?" Iqra asked irritatingly, walking inside Zoya's room holding her dress tight from her back.

But to her surprise, eyes widened in shock when she found a man was sitting on the bed with a book in his hand.

Their gazes met and Iqra's heart started beating rapidly.

The man smiled at her and got up from the bed, approaching her.

"Ahad Bhai aap? " She asked confusingly and covered her head with the dupatta.

"Assalam Walikum Iqra"

"Walikum Assalam Ahad bhai" She mustered her expression from shocked to exciting and smiled at him.

"How have you been bhai? " She was feeling so uncomfortable because of the hanging  dress.

"All well Iqra. You tell how are you and Khalajaan at home? "

"She is okay bhai."

Ahad looked at her with his full blown handsome smile and nodded his head.
"Uhhh Zoya went downstairs, Ammi was calling her. Actually we're chitchatting. "

"Tha… that's fine bhai. I should take your leave then" She literally flew away from Zoya's room to her.


Her breathing got uneven due to the jet speed she applied to come here. And was inhaling and exhaling deeply.

Arshad was passing by her room when he found the door open and she was leaning against the wall breathing heavily,

"Hey iqi, what happened? " Arshad went inside and stood in front of her, worried.

Iqra looked at him for a second then wrapped her arms around his frame.

"Woah ladybird what happened? "

"That's so awkward"

"What is so awkward?" Arshad asked, patting her head, as her breathing got normal.

He pushed her from his frame and cupped her cheeks.

"What happened iqi?" Concern was visible in Arshad's eyes.

Iqra explained the whole matter and he smiled at her.

"That's fine iqi. Be careful next time." Arshad caressed her cheeks and she nodded her head in affirmation.

"Come down. Your friend is getting impatient for her mayun to be done fast" Arshad said and Iqra giggled. Her mood immediately lightened up after the hug, they duo shared a few moments ago.

Arshad left after giving her a smile and she stood there like a statue after he left.

She was the happiest soul at that moment. All the moments they're sharing were pure bliss, she'll cherish them forever.

She loved Arshad when she was just seventeen years old, a teenager, crushing over her best friend's twin brother.


Ahad was in daze after the encounter with the prettiest girl he ever met.

Coming home and seeing your long lost love was something different Ahad feeling right now.
Iqra used to visit them regularly when she was Sixteen or Seventeen years old and he was twenty two or twenty three, doing his bachelor's.

Back then he controlled or tried to control his feelings which he felt to the naive,  innocent girl.

Later he left for Australia to complete his extended education. And now when he is back, after seeing her for almost four years, he still feels the same pull towards her.

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