Chapter 1

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The bell rang aloud. I looked up and sighed. Finally, I could go home and relax. I pushed my chair back and stood up, ignoring my half- finished worksheet and the stares of my classmates. Honestly, I couldn't care less. The last thing I wanted to do was to stay here.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and began to walk through the desks of the people in front of me.
'Miss Rember, where do you think you're going? The bell does not dismiss you from my class, I do.' My teacher, Mrs Bryant, looked up from her computer and fixed me with a stern glare. 'Sit back down, young lady.'
I snorted at her expectant gaze. Did she really want me to sit back down, even if I knew I was going to get a detention anyway? Hell, nah.
'If the bell tells me when to get to class, the bell tells me when to leave the class.' And with that, I walked out, not looking back. However, the sense of rebellion I had gained from walking out of class soon faded when the headmaster himself walked out of his office, spotted me leaving, and frowned. So naturally, I did what any sane person in my situation would do, and ran for it. No doubt Mrs Bryant would tell Headmaster Welle everything that happened, and make sure I got at least a week's worth of detention when I came back to school. If I came back, which I wouldn't. It was torture to be trapped in a small, stuffy classroom with a know-it-all for a teacher and a bunch of nitwits with the IQ of a walnut gawking shamelessly at you.
The stares were probably from my hair. I had dyed it a light pink last year, and although it had faded over the past few months, my naturally black hair blended perfectly with the rose colour. And also, we weren't allowed to have exotically coloured hair. It had to be a 'natural' colour, so another detention for that. Apart from my hair, I looked relatively normal with hazelnut coloured eyes and a fair complexion.
I would have to figure out a loophole in the system, given that it was the law to attend school until you were 16, and I had only just turned 15. Meh, I would sort something out. I always did.

Once inside my apartment, the first thing I noticed was the letter addressed to me laying on the mat. I didn't normally get mail, but it had my name right there:

Miss Lux Rember

Had the landlord finally figured out I was too young to rent an apartment and called the council? Was I going to get kicked out of the house?
(Yes, I was 15 and living by myself in an apartment. The orphanage I had lived in previously only needed a slight persuasion to get rid of the notorious troublemaker who had been pranking the residents. I told you I always figured something out, didn't I? )
Cautiously, I opened the letter and skimmed through the information.

Dear Miss Rember,
It has come to our attention that your biological parents are still alive and well. Therefore, we have notified them of your existence and you will be placed under their care as soon as possible. It appears that you were mistaken for being abandoned, and in fact simply escaped your parents' watch. This is obviously a great relief to bring together a heart-broken family after so long, and we are thankful that one more child in this world will be happy.

Please visit the Social Services Centre as soon as possible to be reunited with your family. In case you cannot do this for any reason, we have supplied the identities of your parents in the document inside the envelope so you will still be able to track them down.
Kind regards,
The Council

As per the instructions on the letter, I tipped the envelope upside down, catching the folded piece of paper inside before it could flutter to the ground. Written on it were the files of two people. My parents.
Mr Alvin Diomone and
Mrs Charlotte Diomone
Why did those names sound so familiar? Diomone...Diomone...
Suddenly it clicked in my head. Alvin and Charlotte Diomone, owners of the Diomone Watches company. I had heard about them on the news this morning. The company had officially become the second largest watch-making business in the world. Which meant my parents were rich. So I was rich. And that meant I was free! I just needed to get some money so I could move away from boring old England, to someplace where you could live by yourself and not go to school by the age of 15. I always fixed my problems. I was lucky like that.
I hurriedly re-checked the letter. I had to go to the Social Services Centre first. But before I went, I googled the family, wanting to know a bit more about them before I launched myself into their lives.

I brought the letters incase they wanted proof of my heritage. They did. They also wanted a DNA test to be done, because 'you can never be sure if someone's trying to cheat people out of their money' as the receptionist put it. Unfortunately for me, the DNA test results wouldn't be completed until tomorrow, so I had to go home. I was told that I would be called when the results were in.
That night, I was kind of afraid. What if it was all just a scam, and I wasn't a Diomone? How would I get enough money to even pay the landlord when he came to collect his rent? My life would fall apart and I would end up living on the streets, befriending rats because I had nothing better to do.
Absolutely not. I was not going to fall down that path. But maybe I should make the most of being in a warm, comfy bed. Who knew? Maybe it would be my last day living in comfort- or maybe it would be my last day living without a family to call my own...

Hey guys thx so much for reading my story I appreciate it so much. Pls comment if you want me to continue this story cause I won't do it if it's not wanted. If you like it please vote and comment any ideas you have for the story. I accept criticism so feel free to tell me what I'm doing wrong and thx again! ;)

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