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                Chapter One

God, he looks amazing… Of course, putting on the Hanes, then the Polo button down, aaannd lastly the jeans. Don’t touch the hair! It looks sexy with it wet. Okay good, just shaking the wetness off a little bit. Alright, you’re all ready for school.. Wait! Don’t forget your—alright, you got it. God, I’m good. 7:15? Oh crap! I gotta get my own self ready. Too busy making sure he’s ready. I’m not a stalker. I mean, yeah, he lives next door. And his room is exactly across from mine. But that’s not my fault. At times, my eyes just gaze out my window to his. And then, for some reason, it just gets glued to him.

    “Shelly! Your breakfast is getting cold! Hurry up, and finish getting ready!” My mother shouts. I scurry around trying to get some last minute stuff. Where the heck are my earrings? All right, here it is. Aaand, my Physics book? Found it! God, I hate that class. I grab my cellphone, put it in my bag, and run downstairs into the kitchen with everything in my hand.. I plop everything on the table, an awkward pause following after. There sits my older brother and my parents, looking at me like I’m crazy.

    “Loser,” my brother mumbles as he snickers at me. I punch him in the arm, and take his bacon from his plate and eat it in his face.

    “Shelley and Matt, stop annoying each other. Will ya?” my dad says before he sips his coffee and continues to read the morning paper. I look at the clock on the wall. 7:35 am.

    “Alright, I have to go. I love you guys” I punch Matt, kiss my dad on the forehead, and give my mother a hug and kiss on the cheek. I walk out the door, lock it with my key, and look next door making my way towards the sidewalk. Holy crap. There he was! He would come out the exact time as I do. Well, we do take the same bus. I then walk down the sidewalk, having to pass his house.

    “Hey Shelly! Wait up.” A voice shouts at me. I turn and there he is. Jeremy Taylor. The most gorgeous guy on the planet. Also the guy I happen to “stalk” everyday. Don’t judge me.

    “Hey Jeremy!” I say, as I turn to him. He gives me a half hug. God, he smells so good. We then walk down the street together.

    “So, what’s going on? Anything new?” He said, trying to start a conversation.

    “Oh, nothing really. Not much going on with me. What about you? I know you have a lot of stuff going on.” I say, trying not to sound too creepy. He laughs, holding the straps of his backpack.

    “Yeah, I have a lot going on. Between student government, soccer, working at the grill, and still managing to keep my grades up, I’m pretty busy.” He snickers, showing his gorgeous bright teeth. I laugh, trying to be cute. He looks at me, and smiles. We finally get to our stop, and then Jeremy’s phone starts to ring. It’s the devil.

    “Hey babe.” He then looks at me, then at the ground, putting his hand in his pocket. He sighs, rolling his eyes.

    “Meaghan, I told you. I went to sleep! I texted you goodnight. Do you not remember?” He then looks at me, with utter annoyance. I gave a sympathetic look, then turned my head towards the direction where I heard the bus’ engine coming at us. I widened my eyes, when the bus came to a quick, immediate stop hitting its brakes and the horn beeping as a silver convertible cuts the bus driver off. It sped up, and then slowed down at where Jeremy and I were standing. There she was, the devil.

    “Jeremy, get in. We need to talk about this.”

    “Seriously, Meaghan. What is there to talk about? I already explained it to you, like ten seconds ago. I fell asleep! I texted you last night, saying goodnight!” He said, with his voice starting to get louder. The other kids at our stop was just looking at them argue, some annoyed, some watching as if they were at the movies.

    “Are you serious, Jere? You’re seriously going to get loud with me? All I wanted was my boyfriend to be here with me to talk about a simple misunderstanding. To physically be here, not on the freakin’ phone!” She scoffed, with the phone in her hand trying to make her point. Her eyes starting to water, sniffling. Being dramatic, like she usually is. He looks at the sky, his face looking as though he was thinking about something. He sighs, looking at me.   

    “I’ll see you at school. I’m sorry, I just got to ta-.” He whispers to me.

    “It’s fine, you should just go.. T-to talk to her.” I told him, cutting him off trying to say the right thing. Smiling at him on the outside, when on the inside it felt as if I wanted to cry. My eyes started to water. Man up, Shell. He got in the car, then looked at me with a half smile. Meaghan, then looked up at me cheesing. Her face totally changed, as if she wasn’t just “crying” a couple minutes ago. Her face still smiling at me, she turned up the radio.

    “Toodles!” Saying sarcastically, waving goodbye, and speeding off. I continued to look at the car driving off, as the bus approached me. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head in disbelief and anger.

    “Bitch.” I whispered to myself. I got on the bus, as it brought me to the place where I would soon see Jeremy again. 

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