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"Judah i told you be outside by the time i got off" Kennedy said with her phone to her ear.

"My bad i fell asleep" he spoke and as she was about to reply she heard a female giggling in the back.

She didn't bother to say anything, just hung up. She scrolled on her phone for a second about to call her dad to come back, until a car came speeding into the parking lot.

She scrunched her face up not recognizing the car, especially with the dark tints. But then the window rolled down revealing Cj.

She huffed walking to the car getting in the passenger seat. "How the fuck you know i needed a ride" she side eyed him.

"I went through spooki phone earlier" he said pulling off making her laugh.

He always managed to do that, having a bad day just wasn't possible around him.

"Ok but how you know he wasn't coming" She asked as he pulled up to a red light. "Cause he asked me to pick you up like an hour ago" he spoke making her raise an eyebrow

"So he lied" she mumbled feeling a little hurt. He shrugged not knowing what she was talking about.

"I gotta do sum then imma take you to yo crib" he spoke. "Where you going?" she asked curiously.

"Girl just sit back and vibe" he said turning the music all the way up. She rolled her eyes but she sat back in her seat anyway. 

"Mmcht who we waiting on" she groaned as he attempted to spark his blunt. "My cousin" he said simply.

"Why" she asked making him sigh resting his blunt in the cup holder. He pushed his seat back patting his lap.

She thought about it for a second before climbing over, straddling him. "Now shush" he mumbled picking his blunt back up attempting to spark it again.

This was her first time seeing him serious, he was always joking around or laughing.

"Puff it for me" he spoke lowly putting the blunt to her lips. Her lips latched on as he put the lighter up sparking it.

She hit it before he pulled it away from her. She looked at him seeing his eyes already low, staring at her as she blew out the smoke.

Cj always had a joking type of personality, but when he was high, he was a whole different person.

"gimme a kiss" his voice rasped out as his eyes struggled to stay open. Kennedy was about to do it before the back door opened making her head turn.

"And who are you" the boy said wiggling his eyebrows. "Don't answer his ass" Cj voiced as she was about to introduce herself.

"I'm kennedy" she smiled softly about to reach her hand out to shake his. But before she could, Cj grabbed her hand entwining their fingers.

"Anyway" the boy spoke noticing the interaction. "I came here to smoke, let's get this shit on the road" the boy spoke.

"Nigga ain't rushing me" Cj closed his eyes, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Corey" the boy whined making her eyebrow raise. "Corey" she repeated making his eyes shoot up.

He turned his head to the backseat mugging him. "Antwone" he spoke and the boy put his hands up in defense.

"I already got a blunt, can you pass me that lighter" Antwone pointed to the cup holder.

She nodded handing it to him. "Thank you pretty lady" He smiled and Kennedy took in his features noticing he couldn't be more than 18.

"We already got one in rotation, save yo shit" Corey spoke holding up the blunt he just rolled.

"You got this shit from Spooki? His shit always be good" Antwone leaned up snatching the blunt.

Cj was too far gone to respond and instead put his hands on Kennedy's ass. He started rubbing on it making her lean down placing her head on his shoulder.

She tuned out as Corey and Antwone started talking about random shit. All of a sudden she felt Cj's hands make their way into her leggings.

Her mouth dropped but she stayed quiet as he continued rubbing on her ass. "Uhhh hello i'm right here" Antwone mugged the two.

Corey smacked his lip before speaking. He sat up with kennedy still in his lap as he pulled his hands out her pants.

"Up outta my car, matter of a fact keep the blunt" He said to Antwone. Kennedy got the hint they was bouta go so she started getting up to go back to the passenger seat.

"I told you move?" He asked pushing her back down on his lap. She mugged him before Antwone spoke.

"Bye kids, use protection" he winked at kennedy making her roll her eyes. "Akekeke get the fuck out" Corey spoke unlocking the doors.

"That's rude" Kennedy mumbled looking at him. "My fault" Cj said pulling his chair up a little.

Antwone got out the car, going back inside. "Nigga I know you not bouta drive with me on yo lap" kennedy mugged him.

He ignored her, starting the car up. "Just keep yo big ass head down" he responded.

She was going to say something smart back but decided against it, for the first time.

She layed her head back down on his shoulder as he pulled off.

"You dropping me home right?" she asked making sure. "Youn wan stay with me?" he raised an eyebrow not even focusing on the road, but the pretty girl on his lap.

"I do but Judah pissed me off, ion wanna see him right now" she spoke remembering the events from earlier.

He hummed going in the direction of his house, ignoring what she just said.



•Nun to say to you sluts


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