hugs from behind, <3

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One thing you quickly learned about Matt when you two started dating was that he absolutely loved to be close to you at all times. Especially back hugs.

It didn't matter where you were, or what you were doing. He'd always find a way to do it. It was sweet - the fact that even when you were doing other activities, he still wanted to be as near to you as possible.

There were countless examples of this.

- - -

𝟏. You were standing in the fruit and vegetable aisle, trying to find the most ripe ones to bring home. Matt had disappeared somewhere with Nick and Chris, so when a pair of arms snaked their way around you, you were confused.

"Hey," Matt's voice muttered as he rested his chin against your shoulder.

You visibly relaxed as you turned to look at him.

"Hey," you replied, "I'm almost ready to go, I just wanna get a few apples."

He mumbled a quiet 'mhm' as he watched your hands put the fruit in a bag, admiring how much care you were putting into such a mundane activity.

You smiled to yourself as you felt Matt squeeze you close to him. Normally he wouldn't be so affectionate in public - but when he was tired he tended to be clingy.

This was the first time you experienced one of Matt's classic back hugs.

𝟐. You were over at Matt's house, helping him cook dinner. It wasn't anything difficult - just pasta. However he insisted that you do it together, using anything as an excuse to spend time together.

You were stirring the water softly, the steam rising to your face, burning your skin slightly.

"Ow," you said while backing away from the pot; only to be met by a hard, fleshy wall. Matt was already there, enveloping his arms around you.

"You okay?"

He walked you back to the pot, making sure to move your head away from the steam. Replacing your head with his, he placed his head on your shoulder. Using one hand to stir, the other was inching towards your stomach under your shirt, his fingers tracing random patterns as he hummed contently.

Your back was safely pressed against his chest and the vibrations from his hums could've made you fall asleep if you weren't so busy cooking.

𝟑. It had been a long day. Matt had finished recording a new podcast episode, and you had been cleaning your house from top to bottom.

It was safe to say you both were wrecked.

Arriving to his house, you noticed that him, Nick, and Chris weren't home yet. Crawling into his bed, you decided to wait for them to finish their work. You didn't even notice that you fell asleep in his t-shirt, the smell of his cologne easing you to sleep easily.

You were awoken by a pair of warm arms pulling you closer. You could feel Matt bury his face in your hair, pressing your back to his chest like he always did.

"You look good in my shirt," he said, the sleepiness in his voice becoming evident in the way he slurred his words.

"Mm.." you mumbled incoherently. "Missed you."

"Missed you too," he said, nuzzling impossibly deeper into your warmth.

"Love hugging you like this. Y'so soft." And with that, his eyelids grew heavier and he fell into a comfortable sleep.

You had the best sleep ever that night.

- - -

Now as you stood over the two cups of hot chocolate on your counter with Matt in his pyjamas behind you, his signature hug was encasing you in warmth.

It was your first Christmas together. Matt's gentle touch tickled your sides as he caressed your waist from behind - and Nick and Chris' laughs could be heard coming from the living room.

You never felt more at home.

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