01. Don't Cry Today, Please?

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The smaller's eyes flutter opened as he felt a tickling sensation in his neck.

"Koo?" He mumbled, his voice just above a whisper. The taller snuggled even closer to his body as he heard the smaller's voice.

A soft smile crept up on his face, "Good morning, Mimi," He kissed his love's pale cheeks like always.

A giggle left Jimin's mouth as he looked at the taller's swollen eyes, "Your eyes..."

"I didn't sleep last night," he smiled proudly.

Jimin frowned, "Why? It's important for you to sleep. You know it's not good for our health to skip sleeping!" he scolded him.

Jungkook's gaze never left the smaller, "You see..." He moved a little back to get a view of Jimin more clearly, "this is the reason. I want to hear your scoldings all my life," he sighed, looking down.

"I want to look at you forever... I'm scared."

Jimin smiled gently at the taller's confession, coming closer to him, "You don't have to stare at me, Koo," he kissed the taller's forehead, "I'll stay with you, forever."

Jungkook felt a tear leaving his eyes. How the days have turned...the guy who used to laugh at his miseries, never letting his emotions overwhelm him, was now crying almost every day.

"If I'm being honest, Jimin," he sobbed, "It hurts more than you think."

Jimin could only embrace the taller even tighter. He knew what Jungkook meant. He knew what Jungkook meant by that.

"Shh, don't cry over—" he took a deep breath before continuing, "—sick boys like me. You have to find someone better anyway," he smiled softly.

Jungkook's gaze quickly moved at the smaller, "Don't you fucking say that, Jimin. Never dare to say something  like that again," his voice turned deeper when he said that.

Jimin pulled out from his embrace, "Let's spend this day happily, Jungkook. Don't cry, just today, please?" He almost begged to the taller, looking at him with the most hurtful eyes.

Jungkook felt his world shaking as he realized what day it was today. The last day... how did time pass so fast?

He wiped up his tears, "Right. Just one day. Let's laugh the most today." He smiled brightly before embracing the smaller again.

A sudden thought clicked his mind as he frowned, "But aren't you supposed to visit the hospi—"

"No," Jimin immediately cut him off, "Not today. It'll be just us."

Jungkook appeared confused at the smaller's talks, "It isn't safe—"
"Don't care about it. Also, they can't do anything now," Jimin smiled, "I haven't washed up yet, neither have you."

Jungkook giggled, "Wanna shower together?"

"I can't deny. Carry me!" He squealed, gripping upon the taller's shirt tightly. Jungkook laughed softly, picking up the smaller effortlessly.

He could feel how Jimin was getting skinnier day by day. How his fluffy and soft hands were now all veiny. But he remained happy. At least he was able to hold him in his arms.

The loveliest couple they were.

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