My espresso

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In the heart of your gaze, my espresso blooms,

An elixir of love, in the soft, tender rooms.

Wisps of steam rise, like our passions entwined,

A dance of desire, in every sip, I find.

Your presence, an arabica, rich and refined,

Strong and enduring, bind my heart to your tide.

Sweet and light cream, like your laughter, it gleams,

Softening the bitter, in the canvas of dreams.

In the depths of your love, I find my retreat,

A taste so enchanting that makes me feel complete.

You, my barista of moments, craft life's delight,

Turning seconds to memories, in the soft morning light.

So here's to my espresso, to love in each cup,

A potion, a promise, as the world quiets up.

Lilly la plume

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