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Nami calls him

'Luffy are you here?'

You say but then you saw him on the table


You say running to him, checking his breath while Nami checks his eyes. Then you hear something and you and Nami hide in the cabinet

'Nami, those are swords..'

You whisper to Nami as she looks at you with a panic look

' I just left Miss Kaya in her room.'

Sham says

' What is he doing here?'

Kuro says as Sham goes to check him

' What's wrong with him?'

Kuro says

' little guy couldn't get enough of my latest recipe. I was chasing that perfect balance between bitter and savory. Just wish I could've asked him how it tasted.'

Buchi says

' It tasted like poison. Idiot'

Sham says

' Not while I'm the cook'

Buchi replies her

' You're not a cook. I'm not a maid. We're pirates.'

Sham says

'Sell yourself short, Sham,but leave my cooking out of—'

Buchi says


Kuro screams

' I can't hear myself think over your inbred nonsense!'

Kuro says

'Now, how much of the soup did he eat?'

Kuro asks

' All of it.'

Buchi replies him

' how fortuitous. Go ahead and ask him in the well with the green-haired oaf'

Kuro says as you widen your eyes

'Oh I'm gonna kill them all—'

You try to say but Nami puts a hand on your mouth, blocking you

'Aye aye, Captain.'

Buchi says

' And don't you dare track in the mud all over my floors again'

Sham says to Buchi

'Says the maid'

Buchi says as Sham gasps. Then, the doorbell rings and Buchi and Sham take off their hands of Luffy's body

' Who'd ring the bell at this hour?'

Sham says

' just stay put. Understood? Let's not allow the night to get the better of us.'

Kuro says and Buchi and Sham nod

' Nami, I can teleport us where Zoro is just—'

You whisper to her

' just wait a few minutes, we'll knock out the girl, you'll go save Zoro while I go to Kaya's room, got it?'

Nami whispers as you nod

MY PIRATE HUNTER, onepiece (la) Where stories live. Discover now