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„Hashiba-kun?", she asked while gently parting from his lips. Her face was flushed red, which made her look even cuter then normal and nearly made him faint on the spot. That would probably make him drown in the onsen they currently were in but he guessed that dying from seeing his precious girlfriend like this was worth it.
„I think I'm getting a bit dizzy from being in the hot water and doing... this."
„Oh, ehm, let's get out then." He stepped out of the water and was happy about the cooling breeze that immediately hit his skin. Maybe he got a little carried away so the cold would help him cool off. After offering her his hand to help her step out they grabbed some towels and got rid of the remaining water coating their bodies. Since he was afraid to be trapped in unwelcome thoughts again he was careful to avoid watching her at all until she had changed out of her bikini or covered herself up. Hopefully she wouldn't get the wrong idea again.
„Do you wanna go back to the room?"
„Yes, I'm ready."
She naturally took his hand in hers which made his heart jump in happy loops. How long have they been dating now? Three months maybe? He still couldn't believe how happy she made him every time she just smiled at him or texted something cute. Sometimes he worried that it might not be good for his heart since it was trying to hop out of his chest every time he thought about her. Compared to this, the feelings he had for his first girlfriend seemed so dull and insignificant. Well she had played him after all plus he had liked Kobayakawa-San even before they started dating, so it was probably normal.
Kobayakawa-san had wrapped her towel around her upper body and moved to sit on the bed. She looked at him quietly, deeply in thought with just a hint of red on her cheeks, making him flush all over again.
„Is something wrong?"
„Oh, no, don't worry."
Since she didn't seem to want to explain her thoughts any further he made a move to the door.
„I'm gonna change into the yukata again and put these up to dry", he stated while pointing at his swimming trunks. Before he could open the door he was held back by the wrist.
„W-wait", she suddenly said behind him, making him turn back to her.
„I, uhm, can you stay here?"
„But don't you want to change too? Your bikini must be wet as well."
The brunette shook her head.
„That's fine."
So he followed her back to the comfy sheets of the freshly made bed and placed himself next to her, his hand still in hers. Her slim fingers wove around his bigger ones, silently tracing the lines of his palm.
„Have I already told you that you have soft hands? Like, super soft", he told her.
She smiled at him.
„You like it?"
„Of course! I like everything about you", he admitted earnestly while trying not to flush. He did anyway which made her chuckle. Kobayakawa-san had a nice, quiet chuckle that made him fall for her all over again.
His eyes tracked down her face to her lips and stopped there for a second. Everything he has been allowed to touch so far has been really soft. Maybe she used lot's of cream? And lip balm?
„What are you thinking about?", she interrupted his daydreaming, making him look at her a little panicked. Has he been staring? Did she think he was creepy now?
As if reading his mind her eyebrows bowed in worry.
„Nothing", he finally breathed out and chose to smile as not to worry her anymore. This seemed to calm her down a little and they went back to sitting in a more-or-less comfortable silence.
„Can I ask for something, Hashiba-kun?"
„What? Sure!"
He turned back to look at her and faced an incredibly flushed Kobayakawa-san. All her cheeks and ears were covered in a deep red but her eyes didn't avert his gaze.
„I really meant what I said earlier... You can do whatever you want. I want you to be able to not think about touching me too hard."
Gosh she was way too cute.
„I didn't suggest to come in here because I wanted to stop, I just really felt dizzy. It was nice kissing you."
Now he really had to turn away to hide his face from her. What did he do to deserve her? Did he save someone back in his previous life or what?
„I'm sorry if-"
„No don't be sorry! I'm just really happy you're saying this", he reassured her and grabbed her hands.
„I'm the one being sorry for misinterpreting."
She looked at him happily and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
„Don't worry."
„So, a kiss on the cheek again..."
„Oh, right, you prefer them on the lips", she stated and moved closer to put a peck on his lips. He didn't really had the intention to let it go yet, not after she had said all these things. Sometimes it was hard for him to understand that she wanted this relationship as much as him, loved him as much as he loved her, even liked the kisses and touches as much as he did. It'll surely take him a lot of time to finally be able to just be with her without overthinking it, he couldn't help it, he'd always been shy, but right now she wanted this. So he put a hand on her thankfully covered waist, keeping her from moving away again and caught her lips in his.
Kobayakawa-san didn't seem to be surprised too much, instantly leaning into him and resting her hand on his neck. She carefully let her fingernails run over his warm skin. The motion made him shiver ever so slightly but of course she noticed it and smiled into their kiss.
„Do you like it?"
„Mhm", he managed to respond before sealing their lips again, this time letting his tongue explore her mouth slowly. She tasted a little bitter, reminding him of the tea they've had earlier. He imagined kissing her after visiting one of her favourite cafés, she must taste so sweet then.
She moved again, now sitting between his legs and putting their own next to his right and left. They've never been so close before. He even felt her tremble a little.
„Are you cold?"
„A little, yes. Maybe I have misjudged the temperature..."
„Oh, your towel is also pretty wet. Are you sure you don't want to change?"
„Maybe we can get under the blanket?"
„Your bed will be all wet..."
She shook her head.
„It will be okay later."
So she quickly got rid of her towel, placing it over a hanger, and returned next to him, where he cocooned her and himself into the blanket. „It must look funny from the outside", she laughed.
„I used to sleep like this pretty often when I was a kid", he said and laughed with her. Then her lips were on his again and before he knew it his hands traveled along the exposed skin of her back while the other gently cupped her cheek. This time she moved to involve their tongues and he kissed her back almost hungrily, feeling her hands exploring his broad shoulders and his chest. Even tho this got him all riled up he was also super nervous. Since they have never touched eachother like this before he had no idea where to go from this. When she had told him to do whatever he wanted she surely didn't mean THIS, right? He wasn't prepared for it at all! Should he have gotten condoms? Suddenly his thoughts spiraled down his insecurities and he wasn't sure if anything he did was right. Was it okay for him to touch her belly? If she didn't say something, did that mean she was okay with it and felt good or did she feel uncomfortable but was too shy to say something?
She must have felt him struggling because she pulled back a little.
„Is this too much for you?"
Oh no, now he looked like the unmanliest guy on earth. He didn't want her to know his insecurities. He'd rather look confident and certain, like Keiichi-kun. He wanted her to think of him as strong and cool and mature-
„I'm sorry if I overwhelmed you."
„No!", he quickly interjected. „That's not it. I- I want this. You are amazing."
Her cheeks quickly flushed.
„I just don't want to mess up", he murmured, half of him wishing that she didn't hear him.
One of her fingers gently traced down his cheek, making him look at her.
„It's not like I know what I'm doing either. Please tell me when you are uncomfortable. I promise to do so too. Right now you make me feel good."
It was a miracle to him how he didn't get knocked out from this alone but it surely turned him into a stuttering mess, trying to tell her how much he loved her and her chuckling over him.
„I love you too." She planted a quick kiss on his hair before he pulled her back down to him, kissing her breathless. Her hands felt cold on his skin but he didn't care, he grabbed her tights and gently placed her on his lap in need of getting closer to her. It didn't occur to him that she might feel his pretty hard dick through his swimming trunks until she moved ever so slightly, brushing against his pants. To his surprise she didn't say anything, so for now he decided that their position must be okay for her.
After some time he wasn't so sure about himself being okay with this position, since he felt her every move and it made him crazy. He would never tell her of course, that would be way too embarrassing, so he tried to hold on for as much as he could without giving his true feelings away.
Thankfully she moved on her own and breathlessly slid down his legs a little. This made her have a good view of his crotch with a clearly apparent bulge but he tried not to move so she wouldn't give it any attention.
„Are you okay?", he asked while playing with her hair. It was only now that he noticed the blanket falling off of them almost completely but with her warmth around him he hadn't cared.
„Yes, but I just realized, that, uhm, maybe we should lock the door..."
Ah, right, the others could be coming anytime soon.
„You're right, wait a second." He quickly made his way to the door and locked it before getting back to her, where she quickly took her place on his thighs again.
To his surprise tho her hand crawled up from his leg to his crotch, bare millimeters away from his dick, his hope that she hadn't noticed fading away.
„Call me Anna, please."
He gulped audibly.
„Then it's Natsuki for you, too."
„Is it okay if I try to make you feel good?"
His mouth went dry instantly so he only gave her a small nod. He hadn't expected this to happen yet. Not that he was complaining, don't get him wrong. Thinking about Mattsuns relationships doing this after three months must be fine, right?
One of her fingers slipped under the waistband of his trunks, pulling slightly. He nervously helped her pulling them down, his dick flipping back on his stomach. She didn't instantly touch him, only watching him almost with fascination with her cheeks becoming a deep, rich red.
She looked beautiful.
„Can you guide me a little, please?"
Since his capacity to think at all shrunk second by second he did what came to his mind first: Gently grabbing her hand and putting it around his dick, immediately twitching in her soft hands. There was no way he'd be able to hold on for long when her only touching his erection already made him feel this way.
„S-slowly move up and down. Yeah. You can grab a little harder." His voice was breathier than he expected and an involuntarily moan escaped his lips when she followed his instructions, moving her hand in a slow but steady motion.
How was this even happening?
She looked like a goddess here in his lap, slowly jerking him off. Her bright brunette hair fell over her eyes from time to time, making her look at him with her head to the side.
„So beautiful."
He shyly made his way to her back again, fumbling with the strings of her bikini.
„Is that okay?", he asked before loosening her bikini completely.
When she nodded he immediately got rid of the clothing covering up her chest. It was his first time seeing her, or any girl, like this and he already loved it. The way she blushed under his gaze, the way her breast was even softer than anything else on her body and the soft moans when his tongue flicked her nipple, sucking gently. This plus all the things she made him feel jerking him off nearly made him come already. So he stopped her eager hand and looked up to her.
„I wanna make you feel good too, Kobaya- uhm Anna."
He really wanted to give her back what she gave to him. Maybe there was a big chance he had no idea how to do so but he at least wanted to try.
To his surprise she shook her head and looked down on him with a smile.
„I'd rather want to concentrate on you for now if you are fine with that."
There was nothing left in him to resist her request so ne nodded and let go of her hand, which came back to it's work. Every thrust of her hand created a shiver running down his spine and his head was buzzing.
His head lolled down on the crook of her neck, kissing and sucking on her creamy skin and making her gasp a little. He felt her left hand being replaced by her other, only for her to grab him even harder, thrusting fast.
„S-slower, please", he managed to say before breaking out in a breathy moan that embarrassed the hell out of him. Was he too loud?
„Am I hurting you?"
„No, I just don't wanna come yet..."
This seemed to confuse her but she did slow down for him. After some more thrusts, small moans from both of them and more nails on his neck he couldn't stop himself anymore: He came onto her hand and all over his lap with his hips jerking into her soft grip and teeth sunk into the flesh of her neck, careful not to hurt her in the process. To be honest, with the lights exploding behind his closed eyelids, he nearly dug his fingers into the soft curves off her ass but that would have surely left some marks and he would never, ever hurt her like this.
„Are you okay?", she asked with hard breathing, nearly matching his own.
„Why are you so out of breath?", the blonde answered with a laugh in his tone.
„It was very straining to use my hands like this and concentrate while you were doing things to me to", she admitted and let go of his now soft dick.
„I will wash my hands."
„Wait, it will drip", he adviced and gave her one of the tissues next to the bed. So she quickly cleaned her hand while he took care of the mess in his lap. Before she returned he had pulled up his pants again.
„I will change now, if you want to you can do that too."
„Yeah, I'll be gone for now. I hope your bed is fine."
„Don't worry about it", she smiled at him.
When he left her room he was back alone with his drumming heart.
Did that really just happen?

After changing into comfy Yukatas and her remaking her bed they both fell onto the mattress, exhausted.
„Are you tired?"
„Yeah, a bit. How could you tell?"
„I, uhm, have heard that men are normally tired after sex..."
„I don't know about all men but I'm usually tired I guess."
It took him a second to realize that he had just confessed to masturbating at least regularly so his whole face lit up again and he decided to cover his face in the sheets.
Apparently she hadn't noticed the slip up because she cheerily patted his head.

Hey guys!
This fic was mostly me thinking „how do I make their first time realistic without loosing the sexiness?" and that's my shot at it. I just finished the manga and am shocked at the little amount of fanfics out there. Some of the things happening here are based on the experience of people I know or even my own lol so that's the realistic part I guess.
Please excuse any grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language. If you find any, please tell me tho!
There are two more chapters to go, so stay tuned!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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