Chp 1

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"I like you, Cha"

"Please don't leave me"

"I can't leave without you"


"P'Cha,wake up!"


I woke up to my sister's yelling, why is she yelling, If she can just wake me up properly

"You're dreaming again, oh my gosh" My sister complained

"Why do you always wake me up in the middle of my dream?!" I complained back to her

"Oh wow, I'm sorry next time I will not wake you up and let you be late for school" She said

She rolled her eyes on me and went out of my room

"My dream! She is always ruining my beautiful dream" I murmured to myself

I stood up and grabbed the towel to take a shower and after that I will eat and get ready, our school will take at least 30 mins to get there

"Eat and we will go after" My big brother said

"P'Dee, why I don't have fried egg?" I asked my brother

"Sandy, will have it because she is our little sister" P'Dee replied

"What?! you treat this a baby?! unfair I want egg too!" I complained

"Blehh haha I'm the princess, of course" Sandy tease me

"Just eat and we will go, you both will be late at school" P'Dee said

Our parents died in car crash I was only 7 and Sandy was still a baby, both of our parents died, while P'Dee was 15 years old. I don't have any pictures of them and I barely remember their faces anymore, P'Dee and Sandy are only my family  left, while our relatives sometimes help us, but most of the time they don't care.

After we ate P'Dee drop us off at school we need to hurry because he still has a work to attend too

"Bye P'Dee!" Sandy kiss our big brother on his cheek

I don't do that anymore I'm teenager already, P'Dee said goodbye to us and drove off

"You're still kissing P'Dee yuck you're not a baby anymore" I told my sister

"I'm only 9 years old!!!!" She shouted

I feel embarrassed so I stopped teasing her and I just drop her off to
her school, our school are only few blocks away she is still in elementary while I'm on high school. I left her and went to my school after

This is my first day at my new school I don't know anyone yet so I need to ask everyone If they know where the office is

"Uhm hello?" I asked the guy

"What." He replied

"Where is the office here?" I politely asked

He turn his way to look at me and to my surprise I know him. I immediately held my chest to stop my heart for beating too fast

"Just go ask someone else, can't you see I'm busy" He replied

I nodded and was about to go when his friend stop me

"Pha, you're always rude to students" His friend told him

"Come here I will tell you" He offered

"Go straight and left when you see a yellow pole that's the office" He smiled at me and I smiled back

"Thank you!" I thanked the guy

"I'm Boon what's your name?" He introduced himself and asked

"I'm—ah I'm Cha" I offered my hand to shake his hand

"Nice to meet you!" Boon replied

" student go to office and do your thing don't bother us shoo" Pha told me

I nodded and smiled at him, but he didn't smiled back, I walk my way to the office until I reached the office.

The teachers was so nice to me and they tour me around after that
they drop me off to my classes where I will stay the whole semester

"Hello, class I wanna introduce you all to Cha your new classmates, please be nice to him" The teacher introduced to the class

I went in the middle to introduce myself, but when I was about to speak I saw Pha at the back

"Hello-uhm— hello I am Cha 18 years old......nice to meet you all" I introduce myself

I sit at the middle and grab a book, but I can't concentrate because I wanna look at Pha.

I met him at the mall before when I was only 15 years old, I was struggling at my home-works and it's getting late. Pha, was the one who helped me he stayed with me until we finished my homework

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off?" Pha asked while smiling

I shook my head

"It's okay my house is just right there, besides it's getting late you have to go home now!" I replied

"Just be careful around okay? Have a good night, Son" Pha's Mom told me

She was so nice she even brought me some food, Pha and his Mom has a strong bond to each other's which is super good and I felt good when she called me 'Son' I haven't heard it for a long time

Pha smiled at me and he went to the car

My first impression to him was kind and handsome. I stayed the whole night only thinking about him

The lunch came and I'm still struggling to find the cafeteria, until I bump into Pha

"Hello...uhm...ha...where... where is the cafeteria?" I asked shyly

Pha look at me and smirk

"Come with us and you will know" Pha replied

I didn't hesitate and come with them we keep walking until we reached the pool area

"Uhm this is not the cafeteria" I whispered

"Are you stupid?" Pha friend asked me

"No" I whispered

"Push him, Dew" The other guy said

"Uhm I will find it myself instead" I hurriedly walk, but the other guy grabbed my hand and push me to the pool

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