Words just flowing. Stemming from the depth of my aches. The hurtful sight. The hurtful feeling. Watching stories unfolding of humiliation, rejections and despair. Hearing the cries and screams from a painful history lair.
Loneliness ravishing my young years. Emptiness stealing my innocent hope. What about me going through ? What about me ? Is there still a me, floating in the mud of human vanity ?
Birthed in a conquérant world, made from both the dominant and the dominated.
Should she choose ? Should she step aside ? Does she have a right to talk. What is she ? Shame on them. Not from a world or two. From the rainbow rain of diversity and love. Shame on you. Not from one color or two, from my own mixed messy skin. Shame on us. Stay where you're at. Don't move. Stop wandering around. Go back home where you belong.
Where am I belonging ? What I am doing ? Doing more, doing less. Never right. Never wrong. Nevertheless there and here.
My body. My choice they say. I'm where I want. I am who I want. Really ?
Tolerance zero mon ami. Acceptance in a bottle. A bottle in the sea of illusion. Are we going to succeed ? Who we ? Me, you , us, them ? Are we going to live ? and leave the hatred spread inside of us ? Maybe. May it be.
« Love each other » He said. I wanted that. I did that so what ? We don't love. we love doing. We love hating. We love fighting. We love tearing apart the things we built.
Will we start understanding our truth ? The cells that bond us together. Sealing the deal. Society truce. The colorful with the colorless. The light and the dark. The good and the bad. Acknowledging the long lost promise of gospels, resonating in the darkest nights. Crossing the edges of our blinders
Humans. I thought I knew. I thought we knew. Living together. Earthing resent. Speaking loud to rejoice. Never exists. Never will. Never.
Shimmering those dreams and hopes. Vanishing those sparkles in the night. Butterflies singing in my belly. When ? I can't remember. It's been forever. I lost myself in the sea of everything. I found myself in the land of nowhere.
The blackness in me
PoetryAs far as I know, I've always liked reading and speaking in English even if it is not my native language. I always admired the way English enables to access emotions in their purest forms. A week ago, another controversy concerning a black man made...