Lightbulb x reader (Hurt/Comfort)

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Requested by @rustycaik, thank you! :) I hope you'll like it


O/N = Object name
A/N = Affectionate Nickname
(Example : If your character is like... a mushroom, it's gonna be shroomy. It's like how Lightbulb calls Paintbrush "Painty")
Reader is gender neutral and uses they/them :)


O/N looked out their hotel room window, covering the setting sun in their gaze. They were growing worried, as Lightbulb was usually back at the hotel by now. It wasn't unusual for her to be running late, but it had been hours since she should've returned.

O/N heard soft knocking on their door, snapping them out of their worries. They turned the doorknob and peeked through the crack, to see Lightbulb herself. Her usual wide smile was replaced by a sad face with wet stains on her cheeks. Had she been crying? O/N opened the door entirely.

"...Lightbulb? What happened?"

Lightbulb said nothing and walked in, letting herself fall in O/N's arms, who hugged her tightly.

"...Painty said they didn't want to work with me anymore. They... sniff... they called me a childish and unresponsible leader who will never be taken seriously. They said they didn't want to be my friend anymore..."

Her voice cracked as she spoke. She buried her head in O/N shoulder, staining it with her tears. They frowned a bit at the sight.

"...Hey, let's sit down for a bit, alright? You can cry as much as you want."

O/N handed Lightbulb some tissues to wipe her tears, and they both sat on their bed. Lightbulb began sobbing the second O/N hugged her again.

"Painty's my best friend...! They're always the first to laugh at my jokes, they're here for me and they...! They're my friend... i-i didn't want them to leave! My favourite people always get turned into lessons..."

O/N stayed silent, listening to Lightbulb as she ranted about her troubles.

"...I'm scared. You- you won't leave too, right O/N? You don't think i'm too much, or too childish, o-or that i'm weird, right? What if Painty never speaks to me again ever?! What if..."

O/N lifted Lightbulb head by her cheeks, and wiped some tears off of them with their thumbs.

"You aren't too much at all. In fact, i like having someone like you around, it would be really empty if you weren't there. If Paintbrush doesn't want to be your friend, it's their loss. I promise more people out there will like you for you."

Lightbulb sniffed a bit, trying to smile.

"...You're right. Still, it hurts."

"I understand. I'm sure Paintbrush is gonna realise their mistake soon, Lighty. It's okay."

The two friends stayed in a silent hug for a long moment, before Lightbulb spoke again.

"...Thanks for letting me be myself, A/N. It feels refreshing. ...I also lo- uh, really like you and your presence."

Lightbulb turned a faint shade of red at her slip-up, which O/N did not seem to notice. They cupped Lightbulb's face to wipe her tears again, earning a small squeak from Lightbulb who got flustered at the gesture. She looked up at O/N through her teary eyes, feeling her face get warm. Butterflies danced at the brim of her stomach.

"...Why are you looking at me like that?"

O/N let go of Lightbulb's face, blushing a bit as well.

"...You're lovely, you know that, A/N? I li- no, i love being around you. Every second with you is a present! I think i love you."

Lightbulb closed her eyes, blushing and smiling softly. She didn't need to see O/N's face to know they were bright red by now.

"...I love you too. Thank you for being you."

629 words

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