and the snack box...

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( friday — third person )


up front, [Name] and Shouta were eating fruit. It was different varieties such as cherries, grapes, pineapples and strawberries. They were also discussing what happened yesterday.

"So, let's assume they are coming. We need to make reservations." [Name] said eating a pineapple.

"Reservations? Why do you need those?" Present Mic asked entering the class, going over to the table and taking a grape.

"To know how much I need! I plan on Pizza and Wings being the main course of food so I need to know how many of them to order based on the people count!" She explained.

"Smart. An what about snacks? I know you kids love snacks." He shook his head.

"I'm gonna tell everyone to bring their own snacks cause I'm not gonna have literally everything they like. People have allergies or they just don't like the stuff and all that. It's just too much. They also all get what they want you know?" [Name] tapped her head, proud of her thinking.

"Yeah that makes sense, also means you don't have to buy everything."

"Exactly!" She stood up walking to her backpack pulling out many pieces of paper.

"These stacks of small papers you see are the invitations, and this other on I'm going to use for the party things." She walked back to them placing the papers on the table.

"I already have the invitation's written out and I think I have enough. Let's see..." Picking up her pencil she wrote at the top 'Guest List.' Handing the papers to her father she told him.

"For every name I call out sit an invitation to the side." An with that she started writing names.

"You can just put the entire 1A, sooo 20 invitations."

"Even Mineta?" Shouta raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, I don't want him to feel excluded. Don't get me wrong though if he does something he's getting kicked out." She shook her head.

"For the people outside our class you can invite.. Kendo, Mei, Shinsou, Mirio, Nejire, and Amajiki. That's it for now but if they say we can invite more people or if they can't come I'll rule in others. So, do we have enough invitations?" She looked up.

"Yeah, with some to spare." He held up the extras.

"Great! We'll pass them out on Monday." She clapped putting them in her backpack neatly not to crinkle them. Lunch was ending soon, an the students that were already done with their food started pouring in. Waving at the students that came in [Name] welcomed them back. Taking a bag and putting the fruits she liked into she walked back to her seat.

"Hi [Name]." Shoto greeted her.

"Hii Shoto, how was lunch?" She sat in Momo's seat because she wasn't back yet.

"It was good. I had soba as usual, and a little bit of candy."

"Ooo candy, what type? An did I miss what you got for your present this time or you just didn't get one?" She questioned eating a strawberry.

"No I got one, it's actually where I got the candy from." He pulled out a Hello Kitty shaped container, opening it to reveal smarties inside.

"Aww it's so cute! I gotta get me one. I've always loved smarties growing up, I haven't had them in ages!" She looked in awe.

"Here's the note if you want to read it." He handed her two of the candies along with the letter.

"Mhm." She took the paper and reading it.

            へ                              ‹𝟹      ૮  -   ՛ ) ❤︎       /   ⁻  ៸|     Dear Todoroki,               ‹𝟹 乀 (ˍ, ل ل                                                                                     ‹𝟹Heyyy, do you like fruits? I do...

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            へ                              ‹𝟹
      ૮  -   ՛ ) ❤︎
       /   ⁻  ៸|     Dear Todoroki,               ‹𝟹
乀 (ˍ, ل ل
Heyyy, do you like fruits? I do! My favorite are strawberries because when I eat them with cool whip they're so gooddd. Hope I get to try it with you one day <3. You may be wondering why I put candy in there instead, because fruit would've gotten old sadly. I chose smarties because I think you're smart too, enjoy!

"That's so cute, what is your favorite fruit?" [Name] asked handing him back the letter

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"That's so cute, what is your favorite fruit?" [Name] asked handing him back the letter.

"Ummm, I guess Dragon-fruit. What about you?"

"I have to say [favorite fruit] and strawberries. They're so good to me at least." She shrugged. The bell rang signaling lunch was over. Waving goodbye [Name] moved back to her seat, pulling out her workbook and pencils from her bag.

Todoroki doing the same as kids started pouring into the class. Turning around in his chair, he threw [Name] a smartie. Glancing down at what he threw she smiled thanking him silently before opening the wrapper to eat the candy in class.


Lazy ahh chapter

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