and the mirror...

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( tuesday — third  person )


and [Name] has 22 people coming to her party, how exciting! Since the big day is coming up she has to pull out the bigger gifts. Thus leading her to give him a huge vanity mirror. He nine times out of ten does not do make up but it's huge?? Hello kitty?? And cute?? Who could resist!

This time she decided to switch it up, leaving it outside the dormitory on the door step specifically addressed to him. Deciding to focus more on class to not worry so much about what he'll think of her once the big reveal happens.

"Do you think he'll like me like that?" [Name] asked her father, failing at not thinking about it. "I'm sure he likes me as a friend but he may not see me that way. Which will be fine I guess. I just don't wanna mess up our newly made friendship."

As they stood near the car Aizawa looked down at his daughter, causing her to look up at him. He was unsure what to say to his daughter, this is something her mom has always been good at.

"Well you can always stay single? That'd make me happy." Shouta tried to play it off while also trying not to sound overbearing.

Looking up at him she smiled laughing a bit. "You're probably right."

"I can't judge if he likes you in that way, he seens fond of you though. But still, I'm sure you guys will still be friends even if he doesn't like you that way." He reassured, "What's not to love?"

Taking a step closer raised her arms, giving him a warm hug as she buried her head in his chest.

"I could say the same to you."

Since school let out [Name] has gained four new participants with more to come

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Since school let out [Name] has gained four new participants with more to come. She's been settled in for a while now, discussing her plans with Aizawa about the party.

"I think I'm gonna have mom decide how much food we need to order, and you can order it while she makes the other things like drinks etc." [Name] kicked her feet, laying on her stomach.

"Yeah, she's always been better at planning things." Aizawa agreed, swiping on his phone while spinning slowly in his chair.

"How did you and her meet by the way? Who liked who first you know." She sat up, resting her back against the wall.

"Your mom actually liked me first." He sat his phone down, turning towards her. "She was determined to get with me. We got separated for a while and she got with another man who wanted to marry her. We would reunite in two months, so she told him if he made her fall in love with him in those two months, she would marry him. He failed obviously and we ended up getting together, had you, got married and here we are."

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