My new crocs

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Word count: 375

Waking up in the morning I slip on my crocs and head out the door walking to my bus stop. I scan my tag go get in the bus and head to school.

"Hey Mira!" The principal walks up in front of me. "Your not allowed wear crocs in this school!"

"Why?" I ask

"In case of an emergency you will not be able to run as fast if you wear crocs!"

I take off my crocs and give them to him with a frown on my face.

I head to my first period and our teacher, Ms Brick, gives us our assignment.

"Hello class today your assignment is to write an essay on 'what you want to change in this school?' if you get picked you can give it to the principal and demonstrate how it's going to work well for the school. The assignment is due on September 17th which is exactly a week from today." My teacher explains.

For the next 4 days, I go through school without my crocs. It is hard but I somehow manage. I don't even think about my essay until 5th period.

Suddenly a big idea comes to mind, What if I write my essay about how crocs should be allowed at school?

After that idea I can't wait for 2 more periods to get home. Finally, the dismissal bell rings and I rush home.

Once, I get home I immediately start writing my essay about why crocs should not be banned at school. I write around 2 Paragraphs each day.

Finally September 17th rolls around. I get ready for school, crocs in one hand and my essay in the other. Ready to tell everyone why crocs should be allowed.

Finally, I get to 1st period and turn in my assignment. I can't wait for my teacher to grade it.

The next 2 days go by in a blur, i'm so giddy waiting for my teacher to grade my Croc essay! I walk into first period and our essays are all on our desks. I look at my paper and see F for fail.

I stare in shock and look at what the note says "Sorry, Crocs will never be allowed at school, no matter the justification."

-- Hehe. I hope you enjoyed the short story :)

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