a romance history of my life

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Hi my name is JELLY  I'm 14
years old. I have a dream that's on my mind from  2-3 years and it is that I will mary ross lynch my idol
my love my all but a night a boy enter in my life how's named roudy he'a beautiful boy. He is tall and...
Bref he's perfect like ross. And this night I was confused if I'll love ross or roudy. Ohh god help me...
But a day I saw roudy with a girl or if u want his girl friend. I was sad but he is bigest than me from 4-5 years but it is the life what I have to do.
And a day I hear on the radio that ross has a girl friend too.
I don't have any boy on my life from this day and ross is 19 years old.
The talent day at school I am late so I run and I don't see were I go and without paying attention I  hit ross and I fall down the street.
He helps me to go up and he loves me and tell me there only one girl that's on my list and it's you.
I tell him hi my name is JELLY
Than he tells me nc name my names is Ross
I tell him yes I know and I love him too...
And we have a nc life together and he lives her x girl friend without him.

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