🌸 04

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"Owww!! What's that for?!"

"Right back at you! What the hell was that about?!" You roared back at Shinichiro.

He had the nerve to actually shout at you when you were more confused and angry at him. Not only were you surprised at his action earlier but you were also scared anyone from the school could've and would've saw you.

"Still-- Do I really deserve a beating for protecting you?!"

"Protecting me?! Are you belittling me? If any fucker dared to do shit on me I can make him pay back ten times fold! And yet you-- You.. You , UGHH!!!" You slipped your fingers through your hair.

Shinichiro was supposed to be focused on your angry emotions but how can he when not only did you look adorable when angry but at the same time you were pretty alluring with your clothes, plus the way you brushed your locks only made him more smitten over you.

'I'm being fucking creepy rn. For fuck's sake.' Shinichiro turned his imaginative switch off immediately. You being angry wasn't a joking matter according to your friend Reiko.

You had dragged Shinichiro away from the last location where he punched the guy who interviewed you.  Boy , were you still pissed when you dragged him until you finally beat the shit out of his head.

Shinichiro sighed, walking closer to you . He reached out for your head , about to headpat you but a stinging pain from the back of his palm caught him off guard.

You slapped him, pretty hard.

"Nevermind that. Instead Sano-sensei, why'd you did that?"


Shinichiro's body flinched and even he felt his soul doing the same. Your eyes were peircing at him , angry was an understandment but your veins were visible and the sight made him gulp.

Shinichiro avoided your intense eyes and looked to the side , not only was he nervous but at the same time he felt this side of you still attractive.


His eyes widened when your warm small hands held his cheeks and literally forced his head to look at your way and your expression right now was really putting him at edge.

Pretty pink full lips pressed into a thin line, eyebrows frowning, attractive eyes in an intimidating manner , and not to talk how you didn't even notice how small the distance you left between you two.

He could smell your elegant vanilla scent.

"When you talk to me , look me in the eye."

Damn.. Shinichiro supressed a smirk .

Shinichiro then held your wrist, taking you by surprise but you just looked at him, waiting for his next move.

And this time it did surprised you.

Making you let go of his right cheek, he bought your wrist to his soft lips and gave it a peck. Your eyes widened and when he pulled back he looked at your eyes and still held your hand.

Shinichiro had a knowing smile on his face,  while you were frozen, you didn't know Shinichiro was so amused of your current blazing cheeks and stunned state.

"I'm now looking at you in the eyes now, Y/N. Why aren't you saying anything?"

FUCK! You mentally screamed.

Pushing him away causing him to let go of you , which made him miss your warmth, he almost sighed when he received another from you.


Shinichiro hissed but still he had the smile cause when you walked away he kinda noticed your ears steaming .

When you were no longer in sight , Shinichiro let out a charming chuckle and ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

"God, she's fucking interesting, but I deserved that slap..." He mumbled.

"Good mor-- Now who did you pissed off , Shin?"

Wakasa asked, seeing someone as kind as Shinichiro having a bandage on his right cheek.

It hurt, it seemed painful. Wakasa thought and sweatdropped while trying to screw his head who had such grudge on Shin.

Shinichiro merely shrugged and had a bright smile.

Wanting to change the subject , Shinichiro had an idea to distract Wakasa.

"By the way, how did.... y'know,  go with the exams?" Shin winked.

Wakasa had a slight blush but it immediately disappeared and he answered his nosy friend.

"She got 95 marks, it's pretty amazing how she learned advanced math so quickly."

Shinichiro nodded but still , what Wakasa said kinda made his ego boost. For some reason , Wakasa noticed his friend smiling smugly.

"What?" He retorted, feeling irritated .

"Not to brag but-"

"Shut your trap cause you're literally about to brag." Wakasa interrupted and Shin rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, your girl having 95 marks isn't bad. But guess what? Our president's lowest grade is 98, plus it's only PE but she nailed all her exams which includes both of us' tests."

It was Wakasa's turn to roll his eyes , he then scoffed and spoke.

"You're bragging as if she's yours."

" She is mine, she's just not acknowledging it yet."

"Wahh, creepy pervert." 

"Say that to my face you fuckin' zebr-"

Shinichiro stopped midway when he saw a glance of your hair from below.

Looking through the glass windows , he noticed you were talking with someone on the phone and you had the brightest smile.

Shinichiro didn't like what he was feeling right now, it could've been a brother, a friend, a father or anyone he shouldn't overthink of , he felt so immature and small since he never saw you smile like that for him.

Sighing a frustrated sigh, Shinichiro ignored Wakasa's call to his name and walked away. He felt the need to visit the rooftop , otherwise his eyes would be focused on you with that perfect smile that wasn't meant for him.

But Shinichiro knew he shouldn't let these ugly emotions win, he swore he'd make you his this year cause after all years of waiting for you.

After all six years of waiting , you were finally someone whom he can chase on. He knew it was downright wrong before but while you were at this age. He'd do anything to have you even if it means quitting as a teacher.

To be continued

The Ten Year Gap \\ 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now