Chapter 1: Introducing YaYa

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This is my life and my journey as a rapper that's on the down low in the game trying to find happiness but keep my dreams coming true as I continue to raise my Mic.

Sitting here in this escalade my phone is just going off like crazy from fans hitting me up on Twitter. I had to turn off all my notification so it wouldn't kill my iPhone battery all the time because it does be a lot. I'm grateful though and I do interact with them. I guess that's why they love me so much because I actually try to be connected with them all the time. They been wanting me to give them a fan name. I tweeted so wassup did my titans love my performance? They went wild when I said that as I got ten thousand retweets in just a minute.

Greg: You alright bro?

Titan: Yea I'm good man here tweeting my fans on Twitter

Greg: you seem a little down is all. You tired huh?

Titan: Yea I'm tired but love what I do so let's keep going. I love that your here with me I couldn't do this with out my right hand man here to keep me sane. If I was alone if probably be going crazy

Greg: you my boy and you know it just been me and you. I'm your hype man and I'm your brother. We hugged it out as my phone started to ring it was my mother.

Titan: Mom! I can use your cooking right now and I really miss you!

Mom: I miss you too baby I just saw you on the award show. I'm proud of u but what's up with the cursing before I beat you with my bible

Titan: Mommy I just was feeling it is all. I'm sorry

Mom: It's cool but don't be cursing on national television I had a lot of people from church watching.

Titan: Mom I'm a rapper it always comes up some time. How the restaurant doing

Mom: It's doing really well I never got to thank you for house ànd the restaurant. Your dad lawn mowing and heavy equipment business.

Titan: Mom you don't have to thank me for anything I'm doing this so our lives will be better. If it wasn't for the two of you I wouldn't be here living my dream right now. You don't have to thank me for everything I know you love me. Cleaned the shit off my butt and made me bottles.

Mom: Lord you was a greedy baby! Could eat and loved banana Baby food. It was so bad you use to cry for it if you didn't have a lot. Loved to be naked and for people to see you naked. That little thing was so heavy for you to carry I think it bowed your legs

Titan: Mom! Ok I think that's my Q to get off this phone with you as she laughed. I'm here at the airport I'm about to get on the plane to head to Vegas.

Mom: Ok baby please be safe and call me tomorrow after your rehearsal. Your dad want to talk to you but he knocked out sleep right now. Titan I love you

Titian: A I love you too mom and Greg says tell you hi

Mom: Tell my baby I said hi too and tell him to give his parents a call. They haven't heard from him in a few weeks so I don't know what the problem is so just find out

Titan: Ok mom. I hanged up the phone from here as Brain went to handle everything for the flight. It was my body guards, driver and Greg in the jeep. She said you must call your parents. why haven't you called your parents G

Greg: I don't want talk to them.They were saying all type bull about this being the Devils work and I need to go to college.

Titan: Dang they carrying on like that man. We made it and we doing this for our families. What I really want is a Grammy. If I win a Grammy I think that will certify me as a rapper/ singer to not be played with in this business

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