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To say that time flew by would be an understatement at this point. It felt like only the day before that Stiles and Derek had first arrived at the cave a week prior and the brunette couldn't believe that their trip was already over. He didn't want it to end. It was so difficult to have so much time alone back at the house with everyone that it felt like paradise.

Stiles loved them all very much but he couldn't help the way he felt. Sometimes, it felt good to be alone for a while. He wasn't used to spending so much time with so many people. Soon, it'll be two years since he first arrived and every since then, Stiles hadn't been alone. It wasn't even a question of privacy, of course he had privacy. However, Stiles was someone who liked to be on his own once in a while. Back home where Derek was his alpha, Stiles would have too much time on his own and not enough with the pack as everyone always had their own plans.

Usually, it was rare to have every single pack member in the same room together unless it was for an emergency. Other than that, they weren't the kind to spend too much time all together. Now, it wasn't like it would never happen, it just simply was too rare for Stiles' sake. The brunette had always tried to get everyone to spend time together, to bond, to have fun for once instead of reuniting only when things would go south for Beacon Hills. 

But no matter how much he tried and how much the pack tried to make efforts for his sake, it was never enough. And they would easily go back to the way things were and for a while, the brunette had realised that he needed to give up, that it just wasn't who they were and that their dynamic wasn't as Stiles had hoped it to be. But, travelling back in time, it was as if the universe was granting Stiles with his wish for a strong united pack. So much so that the poor boy barely had free time anymore. 

However, no matter how much he wished that this trip would last forever, he knew that he missed the hales too much to stay away any longer. So, it was reluctantly, yet with a light heart, that Derek and Stiles got into the car and left the mountain. When they finally got back home, Stiles saw the entire pack already waiting for their return on the porch. They were smiling as they watched the car parking in front of them and as they got out, Stiles found himself with an arms full of overexcited children, hugging him as if their lives depended on it. 

The brunette hugged them just as tight, feeling slightly emotional as he did so and he felt a bit stupid for it. A week. A mere week and he was behaving as if they had been gone for years. Everyone hugged the two boys and when it was time for Talia to hug Stiles, she whispered in his ear that it was normal to feel emotional, it was because of their bond and it meant that it was strong and healthy. She told him she had missed him very much and kissed his forehead and Stiles allowed a single tear to drop on her blue summer dress. 

The next day, things were taken back where they had been left off. Cora begged her uncle Stiles to go ice skating with her even though they weren't supposed to go that day and even though she was scolded by her mother, the twelve year old girl refused to let it go. So, with a soft smile, Stiles agreed and together they went to the ice skating rink. It had been a while since Stiles had skated and so, as he slid across the ice and performed their usual dances, the brunette found himself rusty. He knew that he would be sore the next day without a doubt. 

And, as expected, the next day Stiles' entire body was achingly sore. Cameron and Caleb didn't miss the chance to mock him for 'walking like an old man' which earned them a slap on the back of the head by Derek. And the following day was spent on some hardcore training by none other than Talia. Everyone had had their entire week shaken by Derek and Stiles' trip to the mountains and so, they were all trying to make up for it. 

"Stiles," Talia had sighed when the brunette had asked for yet another five minute break. "We missed an entire week of training. You need to go harder this week. You can't slack off. I know you're tired but you need to get a move." 

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