Chapter 1

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Sakura's P.O.V

"Yamaguchi sensei you're fired," Says an American Professor. My sister had not been doing that great of a job at teaching Japanese to these American students, and now she got fired

I knew this was coming, I just knew it. We were standing on a grassy hill and I was trying hard not to laugh.

"Huh?" Yankumi responded dumbfounded. "Alright let's go" the professor states completely ignoring my sister.

I just stood in the background observing. Normally I'm the rebellious one but this was getting interesting so I kept quiet.

Just like that the students cheered as they started walking away with their professor, leaving behind a frantic Yankumi. It was an amusing sight indeed.

"Wait a minute" Yankumi yelled after them and again she was ignored. I let out a giggle. "What, what is so funny," Yankumi asks while pouting. 

"Nothing, Nothing at all dear sister" I state trying to act all innocent. She turns her attention back to the fleeing students just as the professor says "Try English".

"In English?" Yankumi responded not understanding, then looked at her translation book. "Just a moment," Yankumi says in English, only to look up and see everyone gone.

"What" Yankumi shreiks. That's when I completely lost it, I burst out laughing. "Seriously" Yankumi states. "What I can't help it" I respond.

A few hours later my sister and I are making our way home with our suitcases in hand. My sister was glaring.

"What don't blame me, you were the one that decided we would walk" I snicker. This causes Yankumi to pout again.

Oh, by the way, my name is Sakura Yamaguchi. I am the 18-year-old sister of Yankumi Yamaguchi. 

I get on her nerves a lot though especially since I've been kicked out of every girl school and still need to complete my last year of high school.

If you couldn't tell I'm a total rebel, and I own it. Delinquent runs in my very blood. It is part of who I am. I have pink & black hair and blue eyes.

After walking for a while we found a bench and sat down. Did I forget to mention, that we're like in the middle of nowhere.

"This sucks" my sister mumbles. "It happens" I state. She just ignored me, for she had gone into her own little world in that mind of hers.

Suddenly we were approached by a man wearing a tan suit. "Excuse me,is Gushiken International school around here" he asked while looking at map.

"Yes it is" Yankumi said while looking at the ground. I just sat there observing. "Can you show me" he asks while putting the map in front of my sister.

"Go straight and then turn here and its there" My sister responded while looking at the map. "Ah, turn there" he says releived. 

"Eh" Yankumi responds. "Thank you very much" he states with gratitude. "Your welcome" my sister responds.

Then they suddenly look at eachother and for a very long time at that. They are sporting shock on their faces.

Then all of a sudden they back away from eachother, I just watch them both amused and confused.

"Head Teacher Sawatari" Yankumi shreiks. "Yamaguchi-Sensei" he responds. We end up in a small town sitting at a table.

"Sawatari meet my younger sister Sakura" Yankumi states. "Nice to meet you" he greeted. "You too" I said in response.

"You seem to be well" he states. "I guess" Yankumi responds. "I need your help" he begs. "With what" Yankumi responds. 

"I want you to teach class 3D at Akadou Academy, I already tried but those kids are to much to handle" he says.

"You want me to teach" Yankumi says. "Yes he wants you to teach are you deaf" I state. She just roles her eyes at me.

"Will you please come to Akadou Academy, I beg you" He says. "Fine on one condition," my sister says. 

"What's that?" he asks. "You enroll my sister in the school and have her be in class 3D also" she states boldly.

Both the man and I stare at her shocked. He thought about it for several minutes "Fine but she must wear a boy's uniform" he responds.

"It's a deal then," they say as they shake each other's hands. "Thank you, thank you very much miss Yamaguchi" the guy say excitedly.

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