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After Ju-won explored one of Chicago's nicest corners in her own, she went back by bus

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After Ju-won explored one of Chicago's nicest corners in her own, she went back by bus. It was already 7pm, just like always the time went by too fast.

She rather wanted to stay at the lake and relax a bit more. It was such a good feeling to just enjoy the nature without any doubts. But she knew that Heeseung would just worry about her since the night the drunk tried to hurt her.

When she arrived, the others were still training. Traing would last until 10pm, so pretty late. Ju-won wasn't sure if she'd stay there and watch them or drive to the hotel straight way with the bus.

Eventually she decided to stay there until the others would be ready. So she also got the chance to see the studio from the inside. It was already big at the outside so she wondered how big it would be on the inside.

There were so many doors on the left and right side of the big hallway in the studio. She didn't know which room enhypen used.

Ju.won decided to just try some doors out. Maybe she could recognize the song that sounded through the doors. So she walked to every single door until she heard a familiar song.

At one door she finally heard a familiar song. It was "Sacrifice eat me up" by her brother's idol group. She carefully pushed the door handle down and slowly opened the door. Whoever there might be, loud steps were heard so she didn't want to disturb them.

She took a short look at the inside of the room. There weren't 7 people, she thought there would be. It was only one boy.

She could only see the back of him. He didn't notice the door was opened by someone.

Even though she could not see his face, she recognized his hair color. She knew this hair.
The boy had a blonde hairline and black tips.

It wasn't only someone. It was nothing other but Nishimura Riki. He was busy with practicing his solo alone, so he went in a room alone to have enough space for dancing. The music box from where the music came from, was standing right next to the door so of course he couldn't hear her coming.

After dancing to the chorus, he improvised a few steps at the part where Heeseung's solo was supposed to be. Riki was so amazing in improvising. His parents owned a big dance studio in his home country, japan. So he started to dance pretty early. At the age of 3 he started to copy michal jackson's moves which weren't that easy.

After a while his solo finally came. Ju-won slowly went through the whole door and closed it quietly behind her. Luckily he didn't notice since he was still standing with his back to her.

His solo wasn't too long but also not too short. It was perfect. His steeps were so smooth. He did it in his own style, so that you could feel a personal touch in it. The music ended perfectly at the ending of his part. He exhaled a few times loudly when he heard the sound of clapping hands at the door.

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