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I opened one eye as my mother was yelling up the stairs that it's time for me to get up and move out for 3 weeks. Mum and Dad were going Jamaica to visit my Aunts villa and they offered me to go but I declared that I wanted to stay here in Cali than go to Jamaica to see the Aunty who hardly communicates with me at all. Strange huh? Only thing is they have put me down for this crappy summer campus thing, for three whole weeks I will be sharing a room with screaming banshies aka girls.

"Morgan move!" My mum yelled up the stairs, I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I've just opened my eyes and she is already rushing me. Gees mun.

"Alright mum!" I screamed back down as I opened the curtains revealing the bright sun that glistened through my window creating a pretty rainbow on my white, hardwood flooring. I turned around and seen my dog Bella sat ontop of my luggage.

"Bells come here baby girl" I talk to her like she is my baby, do you know how mothers baby talk to their young children? Well I do that to Bella. I placed her on my bed and took my hair out of my braids that I done the night before. I glanced at myself in the mirror and sighed. My black bags from under my eyes need to be recycled, like seriously.

"Morgan don't make me call you again!" Agh! Her voice goes through me. "I'm up Jesus Christ mun, I'm getting changed. It's bad enough that I can't stay at home on my own and need to go to a crap summer campus thing!! I don't need you yelling like a banshie at me" I screeched in frustration. I walked to my dresser and pulled out my denim ripped knee jeans and a off shoulder Croptop. Perfect.

I quickly changed and applied my makeup, not too much so I look like I've fallen asleep in mud but the right extent. Nowa days you have girls and children looking horrendous with white neck and black face. I was into Barbie see through eyeshadow and Vaseline for lip gloss, but I just guess the years have changed. I applied some perfume and sprayed my room with it so it left a luscious scent of peppermint lingering in my room. I grabbed my 3 suitcases with everything a girl will need when she is away from her house.

I struggled to carry the suitcases downstairs so I rolled them down, one after another. "Huh Morgan? Use your common sense mun!" Oh no, I've started the banshie off again. "There is a glass table there and it could easily shatter into a million pieces which me and your father will need to clean up which will cause us to be late for our flight" she exclaimed and rolled her eyes. She makes me want to Vick her behind her back but knowing my luck she will see it.

"Sorry mother" I sighed as I picked up the suite case I rolled down the stairs. I lazily walked into the kitchen with my white converse in my hand, I sat on the breakfast bar when my dad cleared his throat. "When will you start speaking to your mother with a bit of respect? Your almost 18 Morgan and should know better" he said rudely, I rolled my eyes and I slid on my cons. "And enough of the eye rolling stunt because it's rude and disrespectful. We brought you up not dragged you up so have some manners for once" he stated with a frustrated look on his face.

"Sorry, once again." My mum pulled out a letter that had my name on it. "Morgan you have a letter" she said spoke up as her eyebrows were crinkled in confusion. I opened it and read it out.

Dear Morgan Morris. We are delighted to have you as a participant of our Summer camp. We can assure you that the camp will be full of Adventurous adventures and activities that everyone will enjoy.
The members of staff are:-
*Gemma styles
*Hayley McCann
*Lauryn Moses
*Abigail thomas
*Jesse Thomas
*Anne Styles
*Harry Styles
*Ryan Jackson
*Samuel Rees
We would like to inform you that we forbid the girls here to be flirting with the members of staff mostly the males. We can't stop you from flirtation but we can discharge you from the camp if you:-
*Are caught having sexual contact or any relationship with members of staff
*Caught smoking
*Drinking Alochol
*Wondering around camp after restricted time.
There will be breakfast at 9am -10:30am, lunch at 1:30pm-3pm and a 3 course meal at 6pm-8:30pm. We hope you will make loads of mutuals and have a lot of memories that you will look back on.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Your sincerely
Mr.Tom Bowen.

I finished the letter and my dad's face was lit up like a match, "what?" I questioned putting the letter back in the envelope. "No boys, no hanky panky, or no flirting. A fathers dream" he screeched in delight. I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my toast. Apprehend the next 3 weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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