Internal Prison

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The stench of blood filled the air and darkness dominated the small room ensuring that not even a single ray of light was seen. This small, gloomy room was the epitome of death. A women lay bound in the center, caked with blood occupying a pain filled grimace. She could have been considered pretty with her straight blond hair, sharp jaw and stunning blue eyes had she worn a different expression and did not have blood dripping from every inch of her body. A scream tore its way through her throat as a knife was suddenly plunged into her arm causing it to become a nasty red. A blonde haired man who looked to be in his 20's, pulled out the knife with an expression promising death. He brought the bloody knife to his lips and gave it a lick whilst his body shook with mirth. His eyes ran over the women taking in her split lip, black eyes, bruises and the dozens of scares scattered across her body with an amused yet serious face. The women's dry chapped lips parted and a single word was spoken "Why?" as a strangled sob escaped her abused throat. The man on the other hand, looked at her with a smirk but his eyes displayed a level of insanity that should not have been taken lightly."My dear" he drawled coolly "You know how much fun I find this little pass time of ours, it exhilarates me to see you like this, covered in such a beautiful color. It makes me want you." With those words, he started to open the buttons of the women's shirt causing her to shriek and struggle. "No, please no!" she begged, her voice raw with pain as she looked at her tormentor. "Hush Anna" the man said teasingly, leaning forward to place a single kiss on her throat.

"No" Anna screamed as she woke up in cold sweat. She looked heaven words praying for strength as hot tears rolled down her cheeks.Bringing her knees to her chest, she let out a shuddery breath rocking herself back and forth in a continuous pattern as she fruitlessly tried to forget the horrors of her past.

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