chapter 4: attack of the filmmakers

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Ever since the guys signed with vinnie, they've been worked to the bone. Tours, public appearances,interviews, and no breaks whatsoever. So what else could happen? A movie. The boys are getting ready to go to Los Angeles to supervise and possibly star in the movie. They're getting ready to board the plane, but Jeff is too scared to get on, so the guys are trying to put Jeff in the plane


Anthony: ugh Jeff, it's just a plane


Randal: you're just scared of heights, you'll live


Murray: mates, let me handle this

Murray takes Jeff aside.

Murray: sit down mate

Jeff sits down

Murray: flying can be scary, but you know there are ways to be calm during the flight

Jeff: Like what?

Murray: meditation, keeping your eyes closed, or close all the windows

Jeff: i like the closing all the windows thing 

Jeff runs into the plane

Murray: of course i forgot to mention drugging you, but we're not the A-team 

Murray gets on the airplane and they leave the airport. Jeff shuts every window and sits down with the others. Vinnie is gawking at the stewardess and the stewardess gives him a look of disgust.

Vinnie: she's crazy about me i can tell

Anthony: hm, is that why she threw your luggage off the plane over arizona?

Vinnie: it's nothing i can't replace

Randal is about to eat a bag of peanuts but one of them is empty. He grabs another bag and it's empty too.

Randal: hey wait a minute, these are all empty, it's like somebody ate em.

Jeff: Who could eat a bunch of peanuts and hide the fact the things were open?

Anthony: maybe it was the stewardess

Vinnie: you leave my darling stewardess out of this 

Jeff: i think i might know

The guys look around for Murray, when they hear crunching going on behind a curtain. They go there and find Murray eating peanuts. 

Murray: what? They're free? 

Vinnie: did he get high before we left? 

Randal: i guess so 

Murray: no way, i forgot to eat before we left so I'm really hungry

Vinnie: bring him over here

Randal grabs Murray and they walk to the seats. 

Jeff: oh Ace, you and that black hole stomach of yours 

Murray: i told you to never underestimate my stomach mate

Vinnie: Now look boys, I want you to be on your best behavior. Let's not do something we'll regret, make enemies, and make us look bad.

Anthony is messing with his soda

Vinnie: Are you listening to me Nesmith?

Anthony: you're a swine, isn't he Ace? 

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