11. 𝑺𝒘𝒂𝒎𝒊?

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"Swami, have your breakfast.", she shouts from the kitchen.

Oh, she is calling me.

Wait.... what?


What happen to her? I quickly run towards the kitchen and touched her forehead.

"Are you fine? are you sick?", I asked touching her forehead, maids started to laugh.

"I am fine, just have breakfast.", I sit on the chair, she serve me.

"Tell me how is it swami.", she said with her shining eyes.

"Came and eat with me.", I serve her and let her take the first bite, she didn't reacted, I eat from my plate and it's really delicious.

Why she is giving me this respect?

"Y/n, I am done, I am going to take a shower.", I said and went to my room.

"Should I take out clothes for you? swami?", she said showing me her puffy eyes.

I nods, I can't say no to her puffy eyes. I went inside the bathroom and took a shower, as I came out, I saw her siting on bed.

Towal is around my torso and her eyes is fixed on me, my abs and muscular body is fully visible to her. She is staring at my bared body, no shame can be seen on her face.

"Princess, like what you see?", she rolled her eyes.

"Princess, what the reason for being sweet to me?", I asked with an smrik, as I looks at the clothes, it will make me look like a baby.

"I am not going to wear this.", I said and walks to wodrobe, I open the wodrobe and sighs, I garb the every single cloth in my wodrobe and threw them in the room.

"Where is my clothes?", I asked from her, as my fingers curl into a fist.

"I burn them.", I felt my blood boiling.

"why?", I asked.

"You should wear this clothes not that suit.", she said pouting, those cute pouty lips, I walks near to her and garb her chin, and softly said, "Sure."

"But then you have to handle girls for not playing with this cute baby, because I will look like a baby in this clothes.", I said and garb the clothes she choosed for me.

"Let me help you.", I said to her and start helping her to pick the clothes which is scattered on the floor.

"Yeah, first you thrown them out.", she murmurs.

"Yeah, okay, I am sorry.", I apologise.

"Princess, do you love to get on my nerves?", I asked, she smriked and nods.

"Then, okay. let's go downstairs.", I pick her up on my laps, she is wearing a knee length white frock.

"Hey, Jakkay.", Namjoon hyung shouts from the hall, y/n put her hands in my ear, how sweet.

"Oh, sweet couple.", Nayen Noona chuckles.

"Um, jungkook is looking a little different.", Jimin hyung says looking at me from tip to toe as Namra noona and other started to scan me.

They four said at the same time with their mouth wide open.

"Yeah, unnie didn't you liked it, he is looking like a baby.", she said and pulled my both cheeks.

I put her on the couch, aww how cute wife I got. I sat with them and told maids to bring some snacks.

"jungkook where is your anger? does it flew away because you get a wife?", namjoon hyung laughed.

"Nah, it's just i look cute in this.", I said and pouts.

"Yeah, what about going out for lunch after a trip to hills.", i said, everyone nods.

"Hmm, guys, I think my wife is thinking to give me a chance, she call me swami.", Y/n hit me with her elbow and everyone laughed.

"Leave it and let's go.", Nayen noona said.

We enjoyed so much and now we're going towards the hotel to had our lunch, we enjoyed in amusement park.

Jimin hyung was so strict to Nayen Noona, we all laughed and sit inside, I order food for us.

"Hmm, jungkook, you're a little baby.", namra noona played with my hairs.

Y/n is stairing at me.

"Sir, your order.", the waiter put the food on the table, we all started to eat, I find y/n eating silently, this food is really tasty.

"Who ordered pastry?", I asked.

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