Shrek burst into the tower, with Donkey at his side. "What are we doing, ur litterally not goated" said Donkey. Shrek gave Donkey a murderous look. "ur literaly gay stfu". HE continued up the building. Passing broken walls and pits of fire, he heroically made his way to the top. Standing before him was a shiny, glistening, oiled up dragon.
The dragon was guarding the door and would not let Shrek or Donkey pass. "hello dragon i am shrek, aka chiara, and i am here to save my ONE TRUE LOOOOOOOVE Priness fiona, or princess adriana. With a gigantic roar, they were surrounded by tall walls of fire. "You think your so mighty?! Shrek will defeat you" the donkey claimed. He was just buying time for Shrek to climb up a wall and strike the dragon to the floor.
"nOoOOo, hAvve Meci wee wee, i aM bUT A huMble dragOn tRyINg to uP holD my faMilIES legaCY" The dragon screeched. "tHe OTheR drAgoNS saID i CouLDT prOteCT thIS TReasurE anD thEY weRe RIGHT WAAAAAAHHHH". Donkey stepped in, well uh, i think ur a great dragon, wanna smash?" "yes" said the dragon, and she picked him up and they flew away.
Shrek open the door to find priencess adriana, in all her glory. "ayo bruv, ive gotten rid of the dragon, wanna be my wife?" shrek asked. Suddenly she ran out the window, and broken 293852034328250934792 atoms in her body. Then she got up and walked away.
Shrek was witterwy hitting the gwitty down the stairs and saw puss in boots. "hey shrek" the feline said bc hes litterally a furry. "ayo shrek, my new name is deena, lets go find ur love, im ur new wingman". And they ran off on all fours.