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Now Playing: Bluffin by Hojean

Felix unlocked the door to his apartment, and upon entering Juno immediately made her way towards him.

"Oh my Juno," Felix pouted, "people are so nosy and disrespectful these days."

The cat purred while rubbing up against Felix's legs. Unable to stay upset, Felix picked up Juno and powdered her in kisses. Drowning Juno in affection was basically part of his daily routine, he loved her to bits.

"Oh Juno, I'm so nervous to meet Lee know." Felix complained, "I hope he likes me."

Juno simply rubbed against Felix again, causing him to smile and pet the cat gently.

"Well, I should get ready to meet him. I'll be back Juno!" he exclaimed while rushing upstairs and getting himself ready to meet Lee Know.

Within minutes Felix had washed up and changed into a more comfortable pair of clothes. He walked towards his desk and sat himself in it, logging onto his laptop and waiting for a call from Lee Know.

Felix decided to suffice his time by getting one of Juno's cat toys, playing with her. Little giggles could be heard from the blonde.

"Juno, you're so silly, it's cute."

A few seconds later, Felix's laptop was ringing and his anxiety quickly set in. He took a few deep breaths and fixed his posture, answering the call.

The call was connected instantly and Felix locked eyes with a handsome brunette. He had sparkly almond colored eyes and a well balanced facial structure, his lips were lush and glossy which just added to his attractiveness.

"You must be Felix?"

Felix nodded hesitantly, "Yes, that's me."

"I'm Lee Know."

"I'm aware." Felix smiled nervously, his social anxiety building up.

Lee Know could tell that Felix was very nervous to meet him. As well as Lee Know was, he tried to ease Felix's anxiety.

"You don't have to be nervous, okay? I know it's our first time meeting, but I won't make this hard on you."

The way Lee Know spoke was so gentle and calming that it managed to calm Felix down.

Felix took a couple deep breaths before he jumped back into the conversation, thanking Lee Know.

"Thank you, I really needed that."

"It's my pleasure," Lee Know nodded, "I can tell that you're giving off signs of anxiety. I want you to know that when you're talking to me there's no need to be nervous, I'm not gonna push anything onto you."

Lee Know's voice and what he told Felix, definitely made the blonde feel more at ease during the conversation.

Lee Know began again, "You can ask me anything you'd like, I'll also ask you questions."

"Okay." Felix agreed.

"Answering these questions are optional, every question doesn't require an answer if you aren't comfortable."

Felix nodded, signifying that he understood what Lee Know said.

"Okay, I'll start." Lee Know took a sip of his drink and shifted in his seat, "My first questions regard finance and distributing certain efforts."

"Okay, go ahead." Felix moved his bangs out of his eyes.

"Alright, what's your plan on paying rent?"

Felix took a moment to think about it, "I was thinking that maybe we could split rent, or take turns paying."

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