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"You guys suck!! Schools almost over, we have to have a little bit of fun!" Bridgette explained to the two girls in front of her, causing Gwen to sigh and continue to finish off her english homework

"I don't know Bridge... Me and the student council work to do before the school year is over, a party is the last thing I have on my mind" Courtney explained glancing through their cities infamous diner's menu

"Well! All your 'work' isn't stopping Noah from coming to the party" She explained causing both girls to look up to the blondie with a shocked expression

"Pfft Noah? At a party? With actual people? That'll be the day" Gwen giggled closing her textbooks and putting them into their her black backpack

"That jerk! He's the one who told me to plan a meeting and now he's wasting time at a stupid party?!" Courtney exclaimed

"What's the meeting about anyway court?" Bridgette asked picking up her menu and scanning through the options of food and drinks

"It's for the schools summer festival at the end of of July, we have to discuss all the stall options we're gonna have, that reminds me! Are you guys still gonna help manage the stalls" Courtney asked with a small smile


"Absolutely not, but have fun!"

Courtney dumbfonded at the teal haired girl, despite knowing that she'll still do it at the end

"Whatever then! Let's order some food and go back yours Gwen" Courtney said receiving a nod from both her best friends

"And you know what? I'll go to this stupid party" Courtney explained making both Bridgette and Gwen turn to her

"Seriously? You really wanna go?" Gwen asked the girl with her eyebrows raised, Courtney nodded with a small smile "you said it yourself we need to have a bit of fun" She said turning to Bridgette who looked who than happy that one of her best friends was willingly to come to her boyfriends party with her

"I'm so happy!! You're gonna have so much fun!" She exclaimed clasping both of Courtney's soft hands, both of the girls giggled and chatted about the party, but they both stopped to stare at the goth girl with them


Gwen looked up to see both girls staring at her "What?" She asked, fiddling with the eyebrow piercing she had looking slightly concerned

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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