The Beginnin'

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Myaira's POV.

My phone alarm went off at 7am and i jumped out of bed because I was excited for my first day of tenth grade. I went to Mervo high school which was one of the most notorious high schools in Baltimore City.

I got up and went downstairs to get to my normal hygiene schedule and head out the door. When I got ready my phone rang and it was my father. I drove his car to school and he handed me cash to get through the week. I kissed him and got out of the car. I knew I wouldn't see him again until Hell froze over but oh fucking well life goes on.


After a long hot hectic first day of school, I finally got a breather in my third period class. My third period was English Honors II and Mrs. Gena was my teacher. She was a very attractive black woman but as she was speaking I couldn't help but stare at the boy who sat across from me. He looked the fuck good! He was brown skin with dimples, and brown eyes, tall, had tattoos and fronts. He stood about 6 feet tall and had a nice build to him too.

"Damn , he look good", I said to my homegirl De'asia who sat next to me.

"Girl who ?", she replied in her ghetto voice.

"Him over there w the gumby", I said as I pointed to the boy who sat across the room from me.

"Yesss, he is a cute lil brownskin."

"He look like a snickers right out the pack, I need to know who he is."

"Girl, find out.", De'asia said before she went back to doing her drill.

At 3:05, the bell rung and school was dismissed. It was hot as fuck outside in Balimore at the end of August. I began to walk down the hill to catch the early bus but I was too late. I put my ear phones in and I started walking to the 36 bus stop to get home. As I was walking, I saw one of my friends from ninth grade, Lennard. He was walking with the boy who sat across from me.

"Hey Lennard", I said I hugged him.

"Wassup lil Myaira", he said in his silly voice.

I looked at Lennard, laughed and walked away. When I was walking away I heard the boy ask Lennard who I was. I turned around and smiled because just as I thought, he was staring at me I gave him a glare and kept walking.

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